According to the communist manifesto

Communists wish to abolish bourgeois(rich) property not ABOLISH “private” property per say. Schools in the USA say otherwise “In Communism all private property is abolished” no it is not.
The USA education system is majorly flawed. The system literally idolizes American imperialism, and brands it as “patriotism”. I also would like to add how the USA believes it WON WWII when it was in fact the Russians(USSR) that won the war.
The USSR was the one fighting Nazi Germany, and the ones fighting IN the pacific which didn’t happen until later on was the USA. The USA dropped the bombs on Japan to instill fear into the hearts of people....what it did though was start an arms race.
There was no reason to drop the bombs. The USA could’ve simply invaded Japan, but instead resorted to weapons of mass-destruction which destroyed, and killed millions of people.
I read a whole summary of the communist manisfesto, and it does makes sense. Now the issue for me is part in which the only way to get rid of the Bourgeois is to violently overthrow the Government(which is nearly impossible in modern day USA).
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