OK home developing folks, I have questions!

Will dump them all in a thread here👇

#believeinfilm #ihavenoideawhatimdoing
So lots of folks seem to do this in their kitchen. Is it fine to pour the various chemicals straight down the kitchen sink? Should I be concerned that this is the same room food is prepared etc?

My other option is bathroom sink / bath.

I'm using the @ILFORDPhoto Simplicity kit
Next question: I only have 2 jugs reserved specifically for use with the chemicals. Lots of others I can put water in but ideally not chemical things as they are also used for other thing.

BUT it looks like I need 3 (developer, stop, fixer).

Best time to pause to rinse out a chemical jug and make up the next set of chemicals in it?

I'm thinking between the stop stage and the fixer stage but you all probably know something I don't!

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