It’s perfectly understandable to be having a lockdown wobble and take a mood nosedive. I find certain practices help maintain my mood and build up cumulatively to help me find the resources to deal with those ‘capsize’ moments
- physical
- mental
- emotional/spiritual
For me that can look like
- something that makes me sweat or ‘moves the energy’/stretch/dancing
- something that engages my focus
- connecting with someone deeply/connecting with nature/meditation/gratitude list

joy and laughter is good too!!! And play - doing what you feel!
What I know is that if I don’t do these things and
- check news/social media as soon as I wake up
- don’t exercise properly for a few days
- don’t connect with how I’m feeling or connection with another human or just with myself
I have less bandwidth to help myself with wobbles
And one last thing: it’s as much the spirit of doing these things as doing them. Punishing yourself to do them or you’re a bad person is not the spot. Better to just chill if that’s what you need. Don’t blame yourself for feeling bad, it’s a rough time.
I mean if you can’t allow yourself to feel like shit during a global pandemic when can you? And my note to self ends 🥰
What this lockdown does show us quite clearly is what serves our mood and mental health and what doesn’t - it’s easier perhaps to track back to what set you off on a negative thermal and carried you off
Sometimes it’s as much as one dark thought that grabs your attention and carries you away from yourself before you have the chance to interrupt it
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