Final/end update thread for the game I completed in the 72 hour JAM for LudumDare46 last weekend

Commodore Commander!

Game Page (with link to play in-broswer) here: 🎮🎮
#LD46 #GameJam #GameDev #Madewithunity #C64 #Commodore64 #Retro #LudumDare46
Clearly the visual style changed a lot in the final 12 hours, I really wanted it to have that retro cyberpunk look and I think I gave it a good shot. Its an element I was really happy with in the end.
#GameDev #LD46 #LDJAM #Cyberpunk
Shaders always make all the difference.
#LD46 #GameDev #Madewithunity #LDJAM #GameJam #Shader
The interface also turned out well enough too! I even took some video of my oldschool CRT TV and got it setup in the game as a fun detail before you get connected to the tank. #LDJAM #GameDev
A few enemies were added very last minute.
I really wish I had time to make more, and focus a bit more on the levels, but better than nothing!
#GameDev #Madewithunity #LudumDare46 #LD46
Theres 3 zones to play though so it is pretty short (I made it tough tho) But I think its a good demo of what I had in mind for the game (after a couple of major pivots anyway). I even managed to add 3 toggleable views for the viewing screen. Very star trek.
#LDJam #C64
Dialogue and state system for this game were a lot of work, theres a lot of elements that need to work together. This character who helps you - 'ABot' really came together in the last hours too, very Banjo-Kazooie, overall a pretty neat element!
#LDJam #LudumDare46 #GameDev
This was easily the biggest/craziest element. But also one Im proudest of. Adding a retro #Commodore64 screen into the game (from scratch!) with working interface, was quite a lot of work. I now know a lot about Unity's input fields... 🥴
#C64 #Madewithunity #Retro #GameDev
I also really wanted it embedded physically in-game in the back of the tank model. This took some working out in order to be able to embed it in both the UI and in-game tank. Multiple cavases and RenderTextures everywhere. Ahhhh
#C64 #Commodore46 #Retro #GameDev #LD46 #GameJam
In the end though Im happy with how the game turn out. I think Im most happy about knowing that a year ago trying to create all these features and elements and have them work together would have killed me. So Im definetly feeling my skills have progressed. #LDJAM #Gamedev
Like I said in the first post in this thread, the game is live and in the Ludum Dare voting round. Link at the bottom of the game page to play it (in-browser), no download needed!
You can follow @Alex_ADEdge.
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