#LeavingCert THREAD:

Here are a few of my thoughts on the exam situation for whatever they’re worth, as a current 6th year student. Please feel free to agree with or dispute what I say.
In my opinion, whatever the government choose to put in place for the Leaving Cert - postponed exams or a predictive grading system - won’t be the perfect solution. The bottom line is there isn’t a perfect solution.
I believe the government are being forced to choose the best option from a bad bunch. Minister McHugh and his department have shown they can act decisively - cancelling the orals and certain practicals with little hesitation, and awarding full marks in each.
This was great at the time, as we all expected to be back to normal in the weeks that followed. However it very quickly became clear that this is an abnormal situation we are in, and we won’t be back in school at all before the school year ends. Despite what the government have…
…said, it still remains to be seen if we can safely go in for the proposed two weeks in July.

Last night on what turned out to be an ill advised Instagram live video, Minister McHugh mentioned that in the coming days there will be an announcement that the Leaving Cert will…
…commence on the 29th of July, in line with his last announcement that the Leaving Cert has been postponed until July/August.

These deferred exams will suit some, and not others.
I have been having classes online as if it was a normal school day, so that essential contact time with teachers is still there. My school has been fantastic. I am very fortunate to be somewhat academic, and able to self direct my learning.
I also have the facilities to work well at home. For me the knowledge of an extra two months before the exams allows me to space out my study more, which takes a lot of pressure off, if they are to go ahead. Not everyone is in the same boat as I am though.
Lots of students won’t be getting this level of contact time with teachers, and not everyone has the right laptop for certain softwares, or a strong enough internet connection, two things pivotal for working at home. And not everyone is as academic as each other.
Some may suffer from learning difficulties which require help they are now not getting. Some may have situations at home which make it all the harder to work there. Some may also be suffering from the huge economic implications of the Covid-19 crisis.
Some will catch Covid-19.

This is why if we do sit the Leaving Cert, it will be a completely uneven playing field, not to mention those who have already passed irish and music, going into exams with guaranteed points before they’ve put a pen to paper.
This defeats the purpose of an exam system that is equal to all that sit it.

Which is why some may call for the Leaving Cert to be cancelled. It does make sense.
We work from now until school ends, and we are assessed on performances in class and past exams etc. But this also is not perfect.
There will be a majority who feel they will fare better sitting the exams rather than have their fate in the hands of a teacher, who will most certainly be biased.
Minister McHugh mentioned bias in the live stream last night, one of the only things he said that had any impact on me.

Ireland is known for its small town mentality. While it is something we pride ourselves on, it is, in my opinion, the reason predictive grading will not work.
It is too easy for a parent to contact a teacher or principal and try to see their child gets a favourable grade. It is very likely that certain teachers are teaching relatives or neighbours.
This will no doubt have an impact on what grades they are given, regardless of what guidelines are followed. Not to forget the court injunctions that could arise from parents if their child misses their place in university because of a grade that is out of the child’s hand.
Of course there would have to be some form of appeals process, but I don’t know what that would be. Reasons like these are why cancelled exams and predictive grading is far from the perfect solution also. I don’t know what the perfect solution is.
I doubt Minister McHugh does either. All I know is in the grand scheme of things, the Leaving Cert should not have priority over health and well-being, tradition or not. In times like these we need to put ourselves first.
All we can do is look after ourselves, and hope that the government make the right choice for the tens of thousands of us students still in the dark about the exams that will shape our future.
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