haritu ada terbaca pasal depression comes from the devil because it renders you hopeless, to the point you don't even believe in the protection of God (uh, if you're an atheist then skip this... this tweet isn't for you). so i macam berfikir kejap. sebab-
-dari apa yang i belajar di medical school, mental illnesses are usually due to chemical imbalance. depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, psychosis.. semua sebab chemical imbalance in the brain. sebab tu with adequate medication & therapy, patients can improve.
nak kata depression is caused by the devil tu... tak tau la saya bukan pakar agama.. tapi from our theological teachings - devils never give up, have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. jadi boleh je spiritually they cause a ruckus that can then affect you physically.
so kita ambik juga medication from doctors to fix us physically, at the same time we seek the protection of God to fix us spiritually. tak boleh tinggal salah satu bcs they complement each other.

p/s: sorry for the mixed languages i just suck at expressing my thoughts
again to reinforce: if you dont believe in a higher power and you base everything to scientific proofs: this thread isn't for you. pls don't even engage with it and dont argue with me about God,,, im tired of people fighting on this app everyday đŸ˜©
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