Oh my fucking god. This is exactly what I mean. Seriously @fanexus switch sponsors. I don't believe cartoons and actual pedophiles have any reason to be discussed together and Prostasia is really showing its true colors here https://twitter.com/ProstasiaInc/status/1252710203121979392
https://twitter.com/arlskingdom/status/1252822627074183170?s=19 In this thread I listed reasons why garnering support from the CBLDF or someone else is far superior. Hell it's probably the best to have no sponsor if you can't get them on your side. This is genuinely starting to be come a concern that associating
free speech in fandom and pedophile acceptance as one in the same will be an irreversible, irreparable mistake. Seriously, please change sponsors. Fanexus looks like it's shaping up to be the next best thing since AO3 and I'd hate for its reputation to be permanently
dented by a sinister organization like this.
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