Body Butter thread.

I use body butter for my feet, ankles, knees, elbows and any area that is susceptible to dryness. I use it straight after the shower in order to lock in the moisture.

*note: Glycerin and essential oils are optional. Basically you just need two ingredients i.e. 3/4 Cocoa Butter and 1/4 any other oil of your choice.

I add glycerin to keep moisture from shower on my skin.
Melt cocoa butter over hot water bath. No need for stove top. Just boil water and do a Bain-marie. Once cocoa butter is melted, add the other oils to it and wait until it is cool and solid but soft.
Because I don’t have all day, I cooked the oil with an ice bath until it was the thickness of good yoghurt. Be careful, it goes her very quickly if you do this so stir and keep on removing it from ice bath while stirring non-stop.
Then whisk it. You need a machine of sorts, the best being a proper mixer. Hand mixers will work too but girl, you’re gonna work. I don’t have the range for such work.

Whisk in mixer and add glycerin and essential oils while whisking until it’s looks delicious.
Then put in the body butter in a glass, screw on container and store well. I used a piping bag to get it in jars.
Note: Do not add water and do not allow water to get into this mixture, especially if it isn’t sterile because it will get moldy eventually if you do not use it in a month.

Otherwise this body butter lasts for years I bet. My last batch lasted for 6 months.

Enjoy. 😘
Please excuse the typos. 😕😔 I hope you understand but if you don’t, I’ll clarify.
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