AU where Bakugou is fixing to go off to America to intern & so Ochako asks him to see her before he leaves (she needs to confess to him). He says "Sure" but never does. He leaves for America and returns in three years and things are... different
It'd be angsty yo
That good stuff
I would carry on my other au, but I'm in the Bad Mood and desire angst, so:
Here we go. You bad bitches better buckle up, first part is heart-crushy or whatever
For years, it had been the status quo:
Pals. Buds. Friends
In class, they teased. He'd call her "Cheeks" and quietly tell her to fuck off. She'd call him stubborn and ask him if he'd been to the doctor
"What for?" he'd asked the first time
"To see what it'll take to
help you get your head out of your ass"
It'd taken him by surprise. He'd snorted a laugh as she smirked, his smile dangerously amused. Red eyes boring into brown as they escalated their name calling, their bantering, their sparring
If anyone asked him, he wouldnt think twice
"She's fucking strong," he'd say, voice gritty and certain. like he'd crawled through the woodchipper himself to find that out. "And smart. She's kickass. Compassionate, too, or whatever. She'll be a good hero," he'd swear up and down
And if you asked her, she'd say the same
"How do you believe in him like that?" Kendo had asked her once. "Like, he's strong, and stubborn, and smart. But, kind? Compassionate? Understanding? I don't get that from him at all"
"It's there," she'd promise. "You just have to look at it from a different angle, that's all
but he's watching, and he's figuring things out, and he's looking out for people, all the time," she said
And she'd say the same thing if you asked her again
He was a pile of sawdust waiting for a spark. He'd go up in burning, reaching flames, she knew
All he needed was a spark
It took her half of their last year for her to realize she'd been thinking it applied to him as a person, not him as a hero. Him as a person, a boy
A man
/Oh shit/
It hit her hard one day. His shoulder bumped hers as they ended a sparring session, and it'd sent a thrill through
her. Something strong and clawing, something that wanted to be stronger, more prominent
And then it'd hit her
She was in love with him
/shit, shit, shit/
She hadn't meant to fall in love. She'd done that once--with Deku--and he'd rejected her, and that was all she needed
Another rejection. Another distraction. Another heartbreak. She'd felt like a complete and utter failure--as if All Might had told her she couldn't be a hero, or that she wasn't good enough--when Deku had rejected her. For so long, it'd hurt so bad
She didn't want that again
She ought to keep to normal
Sparring, joking, talking casually about things that no one would casually know about, helping each other with homework, teasing each other
Telling him would change all that, and not in a good way, she was sure
Why should she bother?
So, she kept it to herself
But then...
Then he told them
He'd taken an internship
In America
He'd be there for three years
3 whole years
She'd have him for the next few months, and then--
He'd be gone forever
He'd go off to America, earn a place for himself, find a girlfriend
settle down
Never come back
And, even if he did come back, it'd still leave her out to dry, wouldn't it? If he found a girl he loved... well. She'd be glad for him--honest, she would. She wanted him to be happy. For someone to understand him, accept him. He was a good guy. Sure,
he acted like an asshole, and he could be an asshole at times, but he just got lost in his head sometimes. Or lost in the moment. Or lost in his goals. But, that could happen to anyone. Hell, that even happened to All Might--its why he never settled down. Everyone gets lost in
their own way, and that was fine
She just... wanted him to have someone who understood that, and who would accept that, and accept him, even when he was lost in the dark
And things could be really dark for Bakugou
Really, really dark
Ochako just wanted him to have someone
who would be there for him when that happened
If he found that, she'd be glad
He might not
What if he fell for a girl who was selfish? Who was self-centered? Who was controlling or mean or manipulative? What if he got settled down and he never looked twice at Ochako?
What if he left, got his heart broken, and was never the same again?
She couldn't handle the thought of that
He deserved someone who cared. Who would try. Who would accept and understand. He deserved someone who believed in him, before everyone else did
And, if she was being honest, she could admit:
She wanted to be that girl
Not juts for him, but for herself
She wanted Bakugou
Every moment with him--ever single one--was something she spent time cherishing, loving, holding. She loved the moments where he was quiet and thoughtful
She loved the way his lip curled in a snarl when he was mad. She loved the way he walked with purpose, despite letting his pants sag like a hooligan. He was quirky, and strange. A puzzle that didn't intend to be solved
She enjoyed it
She enjoyed him
The harsh jokes he made, and
strange nicknames, and the way his laugh climbed octaves and volumes when he was beyond amused. She loved the way he focused--eyes scrunched tightly--and the way he tried to hide what he was feeling
She loved all those things
And, one night, she was staring at her ceiling and
realized something terrifying:
She was upset by the idea of Bakugou going off and finding a girlfriend, not just because the girl wouldnt be her, but because she found it hard to believe that anyone else could love every bit of him as much as she did
It had been hard to sleep
after that
How do you even cope with realizing you love every fiber of a person? Especially when you know that person probably doesnt love you back
It terrified her
She stayed away from Bakugou for a few days after that, trying to distance herself from the thoughts. From the
emotions and their intensity
She couldn't afford to let them grow any bigger
Bakugou was leaving, after all, and he might not ever be coming back. At the very least, he'd be gone for three years. What was the point in indulging the emotions when they'd just bring her heartache in
the end?
She stayed away from him for a few weeks, the thoughts twisting her stomach into knots
It felt like he noticed. And, it might've just been wishful thinking, but...
It felt like he didn't like it
While she avoided him, he invaded her space. Leaving pencils on her desk
nudging her shoulder in the hallway, tugging her ponytail when the class was during their martial arts classes. He made a point to make himself known, to grab her attention. Often, she'd look around to see where he was at--to check how she was doing on avoiding him, that's all--
and she'd find him staring at her, or just finishing staring at her. Sometimes, he'd walk up to her and show her stupid memes Kaminari had sent him, or brutal stunts that Kirishima had videos of, or weird musical renditions of old music that Sero or Jirou had sent
He was always
grabbing her attention, it seemed
Sometimes on accident--like when he was blowing up in the middle of class, going on a rampage for whatever reason--but, mostly, on purpose
It seemed like the distance irritated him, at the very least. But, most days, it felt like he was
determined to interact with her. Determined that she be part of his day
That felt like it counted for something
...did it?
Ochako didn't honestly know
Time was ticking away though, and she'd only have to deal with the uncertainty for a little while longer. She could hang in there. She could persevere
But then, she was paired with Bakugou for an assignment
Pairs were chosen to patrol the streets for a few days a week, as a sort
of "final exam"--or, at least, a portion of their final exam
For weeks, they patrolled together. And Ochako couldn't keep up the avoidance
So, she went to quiet small-talk. Nothing big, nothing major, nothing important. He led the conversations, she was merely there to respond
For some reason, this seemed to make him open up more
If he weren't leaving, and if she thought he was actually interested in her, that would be an interesting development. Something she'd keep in mind for later
Facts were facts, and he was still leaving
The revelation
really wasn't of much use to Ochako
But she did secretly enjoy her time with him--so much more than she wanted to
It wasn't good for her
This would end soon, she kept reminding herself. He was going away
/He'sGoingAway, He'sGoingAway, He'sGoingAway/
It was a chant that
played on loop inside her head from the moment she woke up, to the moment she fell asleep again. Even when she didn't want to think it, it played in the background. The new music for every scene inside her head
/He's going away/
Mostly, she tried to hold onto the thought
Maybe it'd keep her from listening so intently to his rants, or smiling along when he laughed at something small. Hopefully, it'd help stop her heart from feeling so big and important when he was around. And, if she was lucky, her insides would stop jumping for joy at the sight
of him
She just had to keep reminding herself
/he's going away/
She kept her distance, despite being paired with him, and despite patrolling with him, and despite brushing shoulders with him in the cafeteria, and despite him interrupting her day. She kept conversation
polite and minimal. Or, at least, as much as she could
She just had to survive a little longer, she told herself
/Just a little longer/
/Hang in there, Ochako. Remember:/
/He's going away/
But then, the day arrived. Not the day of his departure, but:
His birthday
And it seemed like everyone was busy
The Bakusquad all had interviews for internships, Deku had been called away for some...thing with All Might, Todoroki's mother was having a rough time so he'd gone to visit her, and his parents had a business trip
It was his birthday
and no one was around
There was just him in the kitchen of the dorm room with a cake Sato had baked the night before, a single candle sticking out the top
She caught him sitting at the counter, staring sadly at the cake and its unlit candle, and her heart audibly threatened her
"If you don't fucking do something, I will never forgive you," her heart said
Internally, she sighed
And gave in
Once she'd spent a good few hours with him--lighting his candle, single-handedly singing "happy birthday" to him while he smirked at her tune-less warble, watching his
favorite movie with him, and helping him with the birthday present map-inside-a-riddle that Deku had left him--she returned to her room and ruminated
And she felt...
Sure, the dogma was still there (/he's going away/) and it still hurt to know he'd be leaving soon
What did it matter?
She enjoyed being with him, didn't she? It'd only last so long, right? One way or another, it'd hurt when he left. And, one way or another, she'd have to move on, wouldnt she?
With him still present, her emotions weren't going away. Try as she might, she still
was in love with him. She still cherished every moment with him. She still gravitated toward him
Avoiding him wasn't helping, it was just... wasteful. She could only enjoy his presence for so much longer
Why not make the most of it?
Why not, she thought as she drifted off
Distancing herself wasn't helping her anyhow
The next day, it was back to how it was before. With their playful banter, and the glee that followed swiftly after, present whenever the two of them were together. They did homework together and caught criminals together
and spent time with one another, just like they had before
It felt so good. Too good, really. Ochako was even starting to think...
Well, not really. Not exactly. It was a dangerous thought that flirted with existence, nearly all the time. The horrible, overbearing, deadly notion
that he might... that he maybe... by some miracle...
Like her, too
But--no, that was silly, wasn't it? Bakugou could never like her. Even with all her training and all her patrolling and all her heroics, she was still curvy. Not the prettiest, and not the skinniest, and not the
most skilled--
No, Bakugou--who was sculpted like a demigod, whose smirk was sharp enough to slice clean through a woman's heart, whose laugh was like hearing the legendary pattering of rain while you were out in a desert-- wouldn't consider her that way. No way
They were... friends. School friends. If he were Kirishima, he might consider her a bro. There was no way he saw her as a woman. No way he'd ever thought about kissing her, or holding her hand, or holding her in the dark. There was just no way
Best not to deceive herself
Hope was a dangerous, deadly thing in a situation like this. If the hope came from her and her alone? That'd be even worse. She didn't want to do herself in like that. That was just... wrong
No, he didn't see her that way
It did get her thinking
wondering again about him leaving, and what it could do
She might not ever see him again
The thought hit her hard and fast one day, and it completely filled her with dread, knocking the wind out of her
What if she never saw him again?
What if he went to America and liked it so
much that he decided to stay forever? Or, what if--gods forbid--he went off and got killed in the line of duty?
What if he left, and she never got the chance to tell him?
Wow... that was...
She mulled it over, and mulled it over, and mulled it over some more
/What if he leaves and never knows?/
A day passed while she imagined it. Then another. And another. And another. And then, before she knew it, it was the week before graduation. Just eight days before Bakugou's departure
/What if he leaves and I don't ever tell him?/
In truth, part of her was relived at the idea. Emotions were costly, and she didn't think she could afford a shutdown that was harsh or quick. And, if he did feel the same, then what? She wouldnt ask him to stay back for her, that would be ridiculous. She could never forgive
herself for holding him back like that. That'd be atrocious
But, a bigger part of herself recognized that for what it was:
Part of her was a coward. Afraid of admitting truth, of owning her own feelings, of being honest with herself
Yes, fearing truth... that was how
cowards operated
And, Ochako was a lot of things--and she was willing to be a lot of things--but a coward?
That was never one of them
She wasn't a coward in applying to UA, and she wasn't a coward during her entrance exam, and she wasn't a coward when villains struck
She hadn't been a coward in anything
Until now
And, damn, if that didn't strike her as wrong. It irritated her--gnawed at her--forced its way into her sleep
Not telling him was safe, wise, even
It was cowardly
And Ochako could never simply let herself be a coward
It'd go against everything she was fighting for--everything she'd done--all of her work--
She wouldnt be a coward
She wouldnt
Even if he broke her heart, she had to do something
She had to tell him
im sorry for all the typos, I do the thread thing at like no-o'clock at night, so
The week was flying
Ochako was taking exam after exam, and passing them all with ease. Bakugou was much the same, it seemed. When they bumped into each other in the lunch line, she'd ask how it was going--it was a normal enough question, and she was genuinely curious. It also
served the purpose of covering her nerves
Though she wasn't sure she was doing a good job of that
Bakugou's attitude was... different. Similar--he still teased--but different--he didn't have as much spunk to his tone, like all his smugness had been killed off
It worried her
"Are you worried about the move?" she asked
He shrugged
"I spent summer break there last summer, so, it won't be too bad. I'm pretty familiar with the area," he allowed
"You're not, like, stressed for any reason?"
His eyebrows turned jagged as his face scrunched up
"What? Why
would I be stressed?" he gave a snort of a laugh "That'd be ridiculous"
"Right. Just wanted to double check"
But he couldn't meet her eyes the rest of the day

Time kept marching. The sound of it winding down chanted against Ochako's nerves, running them thin
They graduated
Hats flew off, and hugs were exchanged, and smiles were spread everywhere, like butter over warm bread
It was a sight to see
Mina was crying, Jirou was quietly blushing with her hand in Kaminari's, Iida continued chopping at the air, as if he were cutting disorder out of the
moment, and Deku was babbling with teary eyes
It was something
But, it wasn't the right moment
Her eyes met Bakugou's from across the aisle and he lifted his head--a greeting or, possibly, a congratulations. She gave him a brief flashy smile and he rolled his eyes
Yes, this
wasn't the right moment
This was the moment they had been waiting for since entering UA--the moment she knew Bakugou had been dreaming of since he was a child
She wanted him to be able to own this moment. All of it. Wholly and completely. She couldn't bring herself to steal him
away from it
This wasn't her moment, it was his. It was all of theirs
She couldn't disrupt that
But, they were all clearing out of the dorms tomorrow, and Bakugou was leaving the country the day after
She had to secure a moment
"Hey! Bakugou!"
"What's up Cheeks?" he asked
His attention not directly on her
Odd. He usually looked at her when they spoke
But, that could be her fault, she realized. She had approached with a lump in her throat, her heart tumbling painfully down a mountainside, and her eyes slightly averted
It was suspicious at best
awkward and abnormal for sure
She couldn't blame him for feeling weird when she was the one making it weird
Swallowing, she tried to push her nerves further away. Her voice was fairly normal when she bumped his shoulder with hers and said, "Come see me before you leave"
He didn't look at her
"Sure," he said, shoulder to shoulder with her, eyes fixated on what was in front of him

There was opportunity
That night, they all threw a party in the dorm. They were all there. The "Dekusquad" and the "Bakusquad" were the last people to leave the common
He didn't even look her way as he strutted to the elevator, disappearing inside
/Maybe he wants a more private moment/ she hoped
He didn't text her though
The night passed and bled into the day, sunlight drooling sloppily over their exit
And, still
No Bakugou
/He'll message me or something, maybe/ she thought. It wasn't like him to agree to something and not follow through, after all. Especially when since she traditionally didn't ask him for things
He'd show
At some point, he'd say something
At the end of the day, she was in the empty lobby
Completely alone
"Ms. Uraraka, can I take your bags for you?" her hired driver asked
"Yes, thank you," she said with a smile
It felt like the expression had been poisoned, or was poisoning her, but she wore it anyway
He didn't text her
He didn't message her
The next morning, she was looking at his snapchat story and finding airplanes and airport listings with his luggage in the frames, and it was then that it hit her:
He'd really done that
He'd really just... gone
After all the talking, and all the sparring, and all the teasing--god, that was flirting, wasn't it?--still
He left
Without a goodbye. Without hearing her out. Without thinking twice. He'd broken his word to do it--broken her trust to do it--lied right to her face--but still
He was gone
And he knew damn well what she was going to say
"DAMNIT!" she shouted into her punching bag, slamming her fist into it and causing it to swing wildly
He'd known
With how weird she'd been acting, and how nervous they'd been, and how strange it all was, he must
have known what she was going to tell him
He wasn't stupid, after all
He was practically Sherlock Holmes or something. Too damn smart for her good
He'd known
And, clearly, he didn't want anything to do with it
Her feelings
"Damnit," she muttered, the fire going out of her
The more she'd looked at it, the more she'd realized she'd been obvious about it
Of course he'd known she liked him
How could he not have?
And yet...
He'd stuck around till the last minute
He'd known--probably for weeks, if not, then months--and still, he'd teased her
Talked seriously to her. Flirted with her. All this time, he'd played the same role--the part of her crush--and he'd done nothing to turn her down, to distance himself, to make it appear as though he wasn't interested in her. Instead, he'd played into her frolicking
Started conversations with her. Sought out her company when they were in the same class together
All this time, he was playing with her
Wasn't he?
That was the only explanation
When it got real, and she was going to say something--not ask him to stay even, just tell him how she
felt--he left. Like a thief in the night, he'd suck away
And she'd probably never see him again
At the end of her boxing session, she concluded that--all things considered--it was probably for the best
He wasn't interested
He'd played her
He'd pretended to care
She didn't need
someone like that. She needed Hero Killer Stain as much as she needed someone like that around, clogging up her emotional flow and getting her caught up in some cheap heartbreak
She threw one last punch, her thought landing as loudly as the blow:
She hoped she never saw him again
***still not finished, but I'm going to bed. Buckle up for most angst later friends***
Four days was all it took for Ochako to find a path for herself
In truth, she hadn't really had a solid plan for after graduation. Of course, she was a licensed hero, and her goal was to be solo and pro eventually, but she needed to start somewhere
She had plenty of offers, but
she was undecided
Until Todoroki approached her

What he suggested was perfect
And, with how high-profile he and Deku already were, it was good for her. And Momo, too.
Creati, Shouto, Deku, and Uravity were opening a pro agency together. And, before it even happened, the press
caught wind of it
And went absolutely rabid
The four of them made a good team. All of them bringing a different perspective to the table. All of them in mutual respect. All of them understanding of one another
And Ochako found that, after all the things she'd felt for Bakugou,
dealing with Deku was easy. Cake
Deku was so kind, and generous, and smooth. He wasn't awkward, even after he'd turned her down, and talking to him was just as easy at it'd always been. Working with him was even easier. Not quite as interesting or challenging as working with
Bakugou, she thought (which was a shame to her, she enjoyed Bakugou's company in a different way than Deku's) but working with Deku was easy and he was perpetually an anchor for her, even when jobs got tough
She really appreciated his presence
Sure, she'd had a crush on him
but he was so different from Bakugou
So different
She didn't find her old feelings for him rekindling though. They were just friends, and she was happy with that. Content
Momo and Todoroki were excellent, too. Both fo them provided excellent insight to certain situations. And
their upbringing helped aid Ochako and Deku during ceremonies and dinners and awards shows
Which the four most certainly attended together. Within a year, the four were number eighteen in the hero charts. Their popularity was due to connection, work ethic, and attitude
The 4 were a reliable group, easing minds wherever they went, no matter the situation
As their relationships grew better together, their popularity grew with the public
And so did pro hero Ground Zero, it seemed
Over in america, Bakugou posted photos and videos of himself on his
personal accounts, showing his progress
He was rising, that was for sure
Seeing beautiful things, American monuments, moving from city to city. It appeared as if he were... happy, Ochako thought
That was more than enough knowledge for her
After three months of it eating at
her, she decided to unfollow him from all social medias
Not because she was mad at him--though, admittedly, she probably was. It was pretty dick-ish of him to do what he'd done--but because it was a distraction
Whenever she posted, her eyes always sought out his profile picture
Checking to see if he'd seen her story, or liked her picture, or knew what she was up to. Some small part of her found satisfaction in seeing what he was up to, and knowing that he was doing the same in return
It was stupid, but it felt like there was a thread there. A connection
that still linked him to her emotions
It was a tie that needed to be cut, she thought
So she did
She unfollowed him. Stopped allowing herself to check who'd viewed her things. Forced herself not to look at his profile to check his stats
She had to stay focused
He'd made it clear he wasn't interested
She couldn't allow herself to get hung up on this
It was healthy, she thought. A good decision that she'd made for her own behalf
She was proud of herself
But, it was kind of a moot point, she realized, when Deku couldn't stop bringing up
Kacchan news at their round table meetings
She couldn't really be mad at him for it. Bakugou was his childhood friend, after all, and he was succeeding at their shared childhood dream. Of COURSE Deku would be excited, and she wouldnt hold that against him
She did ask him
to tone it down
Which was embarrassing, because then she had to explain the whole situation, which caused her voice to crack and her hands to ball into fists, and Deku's eyes to scrunch up in thought, and his arms to wrap around her as he sounded dangerously angry as he said,
"Ochako, I'm so sorry. That... that was unacceptable of him. The least he could've done was hear you out but--gosh--jeez--I can't believe--" and then he shook his head, backing up and looking her in the eye as he vowed, "I won't talk about Kacchan with you around again, I promise
And I'm sorry I did before. If I'd known it was hurting you--"
"You didn't though, and I knew you didn't, so you dont need to apologize Deku, it's fine, I promise," Ochako said
He'd nodded
"Do the others know?"
She shook her head
"No, but they will soon"
Because what was
knowledge to one of them, was knowledge to all of them. That's how they operated
They were a team
Partners. Comrades. Buddies.
Friends, in the truest sense of the word
Todoroki and Momo never pitied Ochako over Bakugou's heartless rejection of her, but they were both surprisingly
protective of her afterward
At every hero-related event they went to after that, Todoroki was always her date. And Deku was always Momo's, the four of them arriving together and staying as a group, or in their date pairs
It was... fun
Ochako always enjoyed Shouto's company, and
he never seemed to be bothered by her, which was nice. He was perpetually encouraging, always attentive, and he never seemed to be bored or annoyed with their conversations
He was a safe person for her, and, during galas and charities and awards, she appreciated it so, so much
The 4 were tight. A very close-knit group, even outside of work. Often, they trained or spent time together when they happened to have off days together. She would get mochi with Momo, or go for a jog with Deku, or eat noodles with Todoroki. If, by some miracle, more than two of
them had a day off in common, they spent it together. Only twice thus far had the four of them all had a day off together, but those two days were some of the best Ochako had ever lived
Her partners were her friends, her family, and she was growing more distant from her confusing
painful, longing feelings over Bakugou
He was out of sight, and--more and more often--he was out of her mind
After just a year, she and her partners were reaching the top ten--sitting at just 11--and they were having the time of their lives while doing it
Yes, hero work was hard
Not to mention taxing, both emotionally and physically, but, more and more, she had her friends to lean on
Her feelings and desires no longer revolved around one person. Instead, it revolved around her work, and those she interacted within it--both the people she helped, and
those she worked with
It was peaceful
Something she hadn't felt in a long time, she realized
One day, she overheard Todoroki and Deku talking in the break room at the office
"Have you heard anything from Bakugou lately?"
"No," Deku replied, voice a bit dark. "He hasn't posted in
a week or so, and he won't answers my texts"
"Are you worried?"
"I'm always worried," Deku joked. "It's not unusual for him--especially since he's in a different time zone, and he's quite busy, but..."
As he trailed off, Ochako had to squash something inside herself. Something
that would've squashed her if she hadn't made the first move
Gods, it was an awful thing for her to overhear
It made everything in her head so much more difficult to manage
It attempted to upend the peace she'd just recently achieved
But she didn't allow it
She wrestled with it for a day or so, but, in the end, she decided:
She couldn't be worried. Bakugou was a pro, and a good one. He could handle himself. And, if he couldn't, there wasn't anything she could do about it anyway, so
There was no point in worrying
They had another gala. Todoroki was her date, of course, and that was when the tabloids grabbed her by the ear
"Uravity! Is it true that you and Pro Hero Shouto are engaged?"
She'd blinked a few times, confused
"Let's go Uraraka," Shouto had grumbled low in her ear, and
then whisked her away from the paparazzi
"Sorry," he apologized. "That's a rumor they started up within the last month or so. I don't know what's gotten into them"
Ochako nodded, understanding. It wasn't his fault, after all. People always said what they wanted, regardless
"What does Suzuki have to say about it?" Ochako asked, curious as to what their PR manager had said
Shouto shrugged. "She said to just keep doing what we're doing. No sense in struggling with it. They'll do as they want, regardless of what we say. Besides, our names have been
circulating more frequently because of it"
Ochako laughed once. /Trust Shouto to find the bright side. Or, at least, the strategic side/
Being more well-known was good for their agency, so Ochako nodded, accepting the press's idiocy
She and Shouto had a good time at the gala
They made toasts, and they talked their way through all the circles, and their ride dropped her off late at her apartment--much later than she'd thought
"Thanks for a good night--as always, Sho"
"Anytime Uraraka," Shouto replied, his smile dripping sweetness. Probably because of
the champagne
They'd had quite a lot
The next day, Ochako did nothing but sleep and laze about her apartment. Part of her was tempted to search on the internet--peruse through media sites, to see what was being said about her and Shouto. But, she thought better of it
If they were saying things that were too weird, or too off-base, it'd anger her, and she didn't want that. There'd be nothing she could do about it anyhow
So she avoided all hero news for the day. With her and Shouto having just been seen last night, the hero talk shows were
bound to be theorizing about the nature of her and Shouto's relationship
She steered clear
The day after, she went back to work, ready for her weekly meeting with her partners and their PR manager. She'd have to ask Suzuki why she'd never told Ochako about what the tabloids were
saying about her and Shouto, but she suspected her PR manager would just tell her what she already knew: Ochako was the most sensitive to the news and the rumors flying around. It was best if she just steered clear of all of it, so she wouldnt be unfocused at work
And that would
be true, but still
Ochako felt like she ought to ask
However, when she entered the office that morning, the secretary was oddly quiet. All the staff members were whispering quietly--excitedly--about something. They barely registered Uravity's arrival, which was odd
It gave Ochako a bad feeling
A very bad feeling
Her gut turned to cement, all of her nerves tingling--as if anticipating an attack of some kind
Whatever was going on, Ochako felt certain that it wasn't good
Reaching the meeting room should've been a relief. She would be able to ask what was going on--what had everyone so stirred up--but, instead, when she entered the room, her stomach fell through the floor. Her body began to tremble in the most minute ways. Her hands felt hot and
heavy--uncomfortably so--and her head felt suddenly feverish in such a way that she thought she might receive vertigo and fall over
And all she could think was:
/This... isn't happening/
/This can't be/
/It can't be real/
/It's not supposed to be this way/
She was supposed to be free. Her hands weren't supposed to shake, and her temperature wasn't supposed to climb, and she wasn't supposed to feel like digging her grave before crawling into it with a sigh of relief. She was supposed to feel strong, and successful
She was supposed to stand tall, because she was those things already, even before he'd left the country without even a glance her way. She should be able to stand here and smile, unable to touch the things she used to feel--they ought to be so far from her that they were out of
But that's not what happened when she walked into the meeting room and saw her partners, her PR manager, and none other than Pro Hero Ground Zero sitting at a table waiting for her
That wasn't what happened at all
Instead, she felt all those sick, awful things that she knew
meant she still had feelings, and she wanted to crawl inside a crocodile's mouth and wait for the teeth to sink in, and she wanted to slam her fist into a wall and scream because /this isnt supposed to happen this way, damnit/
But it did
"Uravity! We were waiting for you" Suzuki
said, her tone eager
Ochako looked to Shouto for guidance, but his face remained blank. Then, she looked to Momo, but the other girl was looking at the table. Finally, she settled on Deku, who was wearing his trademark apologetic smile
"I'm here. What's the situation?"
Suzuki laughed while her partners stared at her, expressions set. She couldn't bring herself to look at Katsuki--Bakugou--to see what his expression said. That would be too much
"What makes you think there's a situation?" Suzuki asked
"Ground Zero was in America, last I checked,"
Ochako replied. "His presence here is unannounced. That said, I presume he's here on a mission"
"Sort of" Bakugou said, at the exact same time that Shouto said, "That's a logical assumption"
The two males stared at each other a moment, silent
"So... what's going on then?" Ochako
prompted, still utterly lost
Deku jumped in
"Ground Zero is moving back to America"
Ochako's eyebrow quirked to cover how her stomach ripped itself to pieces inside of her at the news
She swallowed a dry lump that was writhing in her throat
"Oh? I thought he was stationed in
America for another 2 years?"
"I was," Bakugou cut in, his gruff voice still able to dance along her nerves in a way that made her hateful "But, I've gained enough experience that I've decided to move back"
He slid a stapled stack of papers to Ochako, the front page clearly an
intro page with his name, hero name, and title printed across the front
It looked suspiciously like a... a...
A resume
"What's this about?" Ochako asked, opening the packet to the second page
"My credentials," Bakugou replied "I'm here to apply for a job"
Ochako nearly choked
Though her teammates were in-tune with her, Suzuki was ecstatic. Ground Zero's eyes were on the PR manager as she spoke, both oblivious to Ochako's reaction
"Having Ground Zero join the agency would be wonderful! He's accumulated quite a following in America already, and you 4
have quite the following here--it'd be helpful for him. Beneficial for all. Plus, his arrests are high in number--always--which means the agency would be bumped up ranking--both because of the added arrests and solved cases, and because of the popularity boost," Suzuki oozed
"Plus, he'd draw in a new sort of crowd, the kind we weren't able to entice before," she continued to speculate
But, at this point, Ochako was hardly listening. Her head was spinning so swiftly, it might draw in the next Big Bang
/Bakugou? Working here?/
Was she cursed?
She was, wasn't she?
What were the odds--
"Suzuki, do you mind if the four of us have a minute in private to discuss this?" Deku asked sweetly, but still business-like
Suddenly, Suzuki saw the apprehension that her clients had. Her brows raised, eyes alight
"Of course! Mr. Zero,
why dont you follow me? I'll introduce you to some of the staff. This way, if we hire you on, you'll already be acquainted"
"Sounds good," Bakugou said, though it did not, in fact, sound good to him
Regardless, the two left, leaving the team alone
They remained quiet a moment or
two after the duo had gone, listening for signs of possible eavesdropping or interruption
Shouto was the first to speak
Reaching his hand across the table, he grabbed Ochako's holding it kindly
"We don't have to hire him Ochako. Not if it'll affect you"
Deku nodded solidly,
agreeing "You're a valued member of this team Ochako. We don't want to do anything to compromise your position here, with us"
"You've more than earned your place here," Momo continued "And, even if you didn't have the highest numbers in rescue, you were here first, and you're our
friend--our teammate--and--and--that's that"
She finished with a nod of finality, one that the boys echoed in the moment that followed
Which put everything on Ochako's shoulders
She exhaled, utterly overwhelmed
It was nice to know that her team had her back, though
/At least there's that/
Popularity and rank meant nothing to them when it compromised their friend's emotions
She'd have to think more on that later--and possibly shed a tear or two of joy about it--for now, she had a decision to make:
Could she handle having Bakugou on the team?
/To hire or not to hire: that is the question/
Again, Ochako sighed, weighing the options
Was seeing Katsu--Bakugou rough?
Undeniably, yes
It was really, truly upsetting how much his presence impacted her. It was ridiculous--over the top. And, though she thought it needed to
stop, she still wasn't exactly sure how to get her system to knock it off
Could she overcome it eventually?
People got over feelings like this all the time, right?
She could, too
She could get over it
She was a hero, damnit. A warrior
She could
get over her crush. She could shut her feelings down and move on
She could do this
Suzuki was right--it'd help all of them. The four of them would get international coverage, and Bakugou would earn a following fast in Japan instead of having to start over again. Plus, the agency
would earn numbers faster. More arrests, more jobs, more rescues--more everything. And, it'd probably mean it'd be easier to gets days off, too
Juggling the workload would be easier with an added person, especially if that person was Bakugou. He was reliable, and responsible,
and trustworthy, and--
/STOP/ she commanded herself /Before all you can think about is why you like him/
She was fairly certain that wasn't helpful in her plan
Plus, if Bakugou was hired by their agency, he was sure to earn a living, which was hard if you were starting at
nothing. Some heroes couldn't hack it because they didn't have connections before becoming a hero
Some could--and those heroes were impressive af--but some couldnt
She didn't want that to be Bakugou
He didn't deserve to have to gruel through making yet another introduction
into hero society--he'd already done that. Practically twice
She would blame herself if something bad happened to his career all because she had feelings or whatever and didn't agree to hire him on
And, yeah, she was looking out for him, but not because she had feelings. It was
because they were former classmates and... friends? They had been friends before, right?
And friends look out for friends
Ochako took a deep breath in
"Let's add Ground Zero to the team"
Here was the deal:
Uravity didn't patrol with Ground Zero
"Our excuse to Suzuki is that it'll keep the buzz about our fictional relationship alive," Shouto said
And, although Ochako wasn't particularly for that or against it, Deku nodded "She'll take that, no questions asked"
Shouto nodded, agreeing again "That said, you, Momo and myself will take a rotation with him and Uravity"
"No buts," Shouto cut in, eyes serious as he looked to Ochako "You're letting Bakugou in because of your kindness and your feelings Ochako. Neither of those are
particularly bad things or bad reasons, but I don't want them to come back and--how is it said?--chomp you in the ass?"
"Close, it's bite," Deku clarified
Shouto and Momo both nodded, absorbing this info
"Right. We don't want it to bite you in the ass," Shouto carried on. "That
said, it's probably best for you to keep interaction to a minimal until your emotions get more settled. You'll see him around the office still--we can't do anything about how little or much you'll see him around here--but we can at least give you space from him during patrol
which is when its most dangerous to be distracted anyhow," Shouto pointed out
And, Ochako had to admit, that was a valid point
"Are there any other things we can do to help alleviate the situation for you?" Momo asked Ochako directly
"If you'd like, I can kick him between
the legs," Shouto offered
Ochako laughed once
"Thanks guys, but, really, this is more than enough. I should be able to get my emotions under control"
"That's not necessarily true," Momo said, her tone gentle "No one would blame you if you were feeling uneasy about this"
"Or if you didn't want to do it," Shouto cut in
Ochako shook her head "No, I can handle this. This'll be good for the team. Suzuki is right: having him here will bring the team up. I just... need to move on from him, that's all"
He'd made the space between them clear
Both by breaking his word and ignoring her request, and by leaving
She had no reason to believe anything would be different after such a small amount of time apart. Absolutely none
She didn't want to think too clearly on that as he and Suzuki re-entered the room, or as he was told the news, or as he and Suzuki were filling out the paperwork, but it crept in anyway:
Before he'd left, he'd made it clear where the line was. What she meant to him. What he
Probably, it was clear before and she just had been stubborn and decided she didn't want to see it. But, when he left, she couldnt ignore it any longer
She felt pretty certain that he wanted to be classmates. Colleagues. Someone you were glad to run into at random,
could verbally re-live the glory days with, and then simply walk away from them while the person next to you said, "who's that?" and the two of you left it at that
Yes, he wasn't interested in her
That was her mantra
Keeping it in mind
hurt, but it helped her focus
And it kept her from getting her hopes up
Within the first week, everything at the office was in a bit of an uproar. Staff members were giddy--particularly the females--about the handsome new hero that had joined the agency. Press wanted interviews
Gossip magazines wanted something they could could spin out into some juicy drama. Ms. Midoriya wanted to drop by cookies to congratulate Bakugou on his success in America, and tell him how good it was to have him back
It was utter chaos
Ochako was glad that Todoroki rescued her
--again and again--by whisking her away on patrol, or telling the press he needed a moment alone with her before escorting her away, or asking for her help on some paperwork
He was becoming her own, personal, hero
As they began their walk on the east side of the city, she sighed
grateful to be rescued again
"Thanks Shouto. Really, I dont know how I'd survive without you. Everything at the office is..." she shook her head, unable to describe it
He nodded though, as if she'd said it perfectly
"In truth, I need a break as well. Bakugou's presence has really
amped things up"
"Do you think it's in a good way or a bad way?"
He shrugged "Probably both, but its too soon to tell. Our ratings have climbed exponentially though. Suzuki wasn't wrong about that, it seemed. He really has been boosting our following"
As he spoke, Shouto stooped down and scooped up a piece of litter--an empty plastic bottle--and casually disposed of it in a nearby receptacle
"He hasn't delivered on upping our arrests or resolutions though"
Ochako nodded, but then, a thought came to mind, and she voiced it
"That's true, but he's been really busy with the press and paperwork and settling. Give it another month, and I'm sure our numbers will skyrocket"
Shouto hummed thoughtfully, his eyes distant as they proceeded
"Do you still have feelings for him? Are they...
are they like they were before? I know you said to me once that you had liked Deku, but your feelings for Bakugou were so immense that they overshadowed those feelings. You said that you weren't able to imagine being able to return to those after you had feelings for Bakugou. So,
I was wondering if your feelings are just as strong as they were before," Shouto explained
Ochako felt like he only ever over-explained when he felt his question was being threatened with a refusal to answer
And, although Ochako was generally very open and honest with her team,
she understood why he felt like she might not answer that particular question
It was a doozy
And not a very fun topic for her, if she were being honest
Part of her was already leaning toward not answering, but she closed that part down. This was Shouto, after all. She could be
honest with him. She SHOULD be honest with him--after all the help he'd given her, just in the past week alone, made him more than trustworthy
Swallowing her dread, she answered
"No, I... I mean... the feelings are a bit different, but they're still strong. It's almost like...
like something tainted them a bit. Made them a bit more bitter to swallow. But, they're still there, and they're still strong, and I still want him to have opportunities, and happiness, and everything he needs to grow as a person. Even if I can't be part of those things"
Shouto processed a moment before his voice came out again, low and quiet and careful
"But... you still want to be part of those things, yes?"
Her voice came out twice as quiet in the answering
He nodded, a throaty hum rumbling out of him
"That's... unfortunate"
Ochako couldnt help but give a laugh, hollow as it was
"Yeah, it kinda sucks"
He gave another nod at that
"I'm... sorry"
"You dont have anything to be sorry for Shouto, you didn't do anything"
"No, but Bakugou is the stupidest man I've ever met if he really doesnt want you"
Her cheeks warmed a bit
"Thanks Shouto, that's sweet"
"I'm just being factual" he replied with a shrug
She opened her mouth to speak again--maybe to deny what he said, or brush it off somehow--but she was interrupted
An urgent call came over their comm, asking for hero presence
"It's only 4 blocks," Shouto said
"Let's fly," Uravity said, holding her hand out
With Shouto's fire blasting them in the right direction, the two shot like rockets, heading toward the villain attack
It was over quick
And it was...
Deku had shown up with Momo--somehow, they team of four had been the first to arrive--and they had fought valiantly
Both Deku and Shouto had been taken by surprise. Focusing on victims--as good heroes should--when the villains
struck again
They were both hospitalized
"This is worse than the time I fought you at our first sports festival," Deku said to Shouto
Shouto huffed "Not for me. This is much, much worse for me"
Deku croaked a laugh "That's fair, I guess"
"This is no joke," Momo said, voice stern
There was a crease in her forehead that looked close to cracking her composure
"According to Recovery Girl, you two will be out of commission for at least two weeks," Momo said, voice more clearly distraught "What're we going to do?"
Both boys' expressions cleared
becoming devastatingly thoughtful in an instant
And Ochako knew, even without anyone saying it, that they were referring to her and a certain 5th team member who wasn't yet present
"Guys, it's not that big of a--"
"We could always have her take the next 2 weeks off," Deku mused
Ochako blinked, confused, "But that wouldnt be very covert--"
"It would be assumed that you took off to care for your 'fiancé'" Momo said
Shouto nodded, and then winced at the pain of the motion. "No one would question that, especially if you came to visit us"
"And it'd give
us some more visitors than just our family," Deku said, blushing
Momo smiled kindly at him. "There are plenty of people you know wanting to visit already, Deku. And I'm not speaking of the fans--I mean, people you know on a personal level. Iida had to be convinced to let you
have a few hours to properly see the doctors and retain some sort of rest before he could visit--and it wasn't an easy battle"
"Aw, Iida," Deku crooned, nearly blushing, though clearly pleased
"Regardless," Shouto interrupted, bringing them back to the matter at hand
"Your company would be appreciated here, and, though you'd be missed by the public, no one would bat an eye at you taking 2 weeks off because we're in the hospital"
Before anyone could agree further, Ochako cut back in, determined
"You guys--I can't take two weeks off!
Two of us our injured! That just leaves the 3 of us to patrol"
"There are other heroes out there Ochako that can--"
She shook her head
"Yes, but we're the best in the area. Our number of arrests, our number of rescues--everything! We know these streets better than a substitute
hero would. We can't leave our people unprotected like that. We're already two down, we can't be three down. And, I know we have Ground Zero now, but he's still being held down by the press, and he doesnt know the area like we do. We can't leave these people--OUR people--at
such a disadvantage," Ochako argued
Her teammates went quiet. Almost looking guilty
"I appreciate you guys trying to protect me. Really, I do. But, this time, I need to just... suck it up. Go through the fire, or whatever, you know?"
Shouto's face turned upward, looking at her
in a nearly scared sort of way. Almost like he were being haunted by something
"Ochako... are you sure?"
For the second time that day, she gave him a hollow laugh
"No, but what else can I do? Besides, even if I'm not ready for this: it doesnt really matter. You can't really
ever be truly prepared for life, right?"
"I suppose that's true," Shouto conceded
"And there's only so much preparing we can do, even as heroes. Where the best growth is concerned--you can't ever be prepared, it's impossible. My grandpa used to say something like that"
"Love, heartbreak, having kids--nothing can prepare you well enough to endure it without tears, he'd say. You just have to go through it. So: let's get through this guys"
The 3 went silent a moment, absorbing Ochako's words
"Only if we can go through it together," Momo said
at last
And Ochako's heart swelled up, full of something warm and cozy
"Definitely," she said, smiling
"Count me in, too," Deku said, then frowned, "As much as I can be, anyhow"
"Me too," Shouto concurred "If you need anything Ochako, please don't hesitate to ask any of us"
Honestly, it was almost enough to make her cry
Somehow, she held back her tears as she replied
"Thanks guys. I will"
And that was the spark that truly started the fire
Ochako knew it, even in the moment
But, she was determined:
She wouldnt be burned by the fire
She'd be refined
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