I'm probably going to regret this but here is some hope over experience advice on when you get criticism on terms like 'Karen' from sexist men and then conclude that because sexist men use=it is a bad sexist term
Misogyny exists, and so when terms like Karen which are *originally* and still *essentially* about the mobilisation of race and class over black people go out into the world, they cannot be ring fenced from sexist men. That does mean that there are therefore *only sexist*
This is a really simple logical exercise. Karen is used by sexist men, and it is also a term that comes from a certain racial experience. These two things can be true.
The fact that it has now been decided that it is only about sexism is troubling *and* validating of the principle behind it, because a certain class of white woman clearly still has the biggest platform and is still the arbiter of what goes. An Ur-Karen if you will.
One can express frustration at the fact that the term Karen has been appropriated by sexist men, please do that. It is frustrating. But that can be done without erasing its utility and validity for black people.
And if you're going to express this frustration then for god's sake just do it well. With some levity, some humility, and some understanding that language is fluid and cannot be owned or controlled strictly within all the parameters that ensure that it is never offensive to you.
I say all of this with love.
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