For those that are unable to watch, we will put some updates on here as the meeting takes place... Education Committee & Vicky Ford Meeting #SENDcrisis #fixSEND #SEMHneeds #Edutwitter #SENCOchat #SENDTwitterCommunity #TeamSEND
Rob Halfon asks Vicky Ford about PPE ... Vicky Ford says PPE is a priority, specifically children's homes, residential settings as day schools shouldn't expect the child to be in school if they have been in contact with COVID19.
Vicky Ford: Social care staff also prioritised for PPE, the caseworkers that are carrying out home visits
Rob Halfon: Asks about teachers that are supporting vulnerable children. Vicky Ford: Social Worker's should have same PPE as a front line police officer, teachers who are working with children that require health care will get the same PPE and will be prioritised
Vicky Ford - Top priority has been those working in residential settings and front line social workers. Key worker list is being updated all the time. Testing being prioritised for key workers
Rob Halfon: Will you be rolling out testing for teachers? Vicky Ford - as more testing capacity and schools start to open there will be more testing as more teachers coming back - especially the residential schools
Rob Halfon; Asking specifically about schools with children that have SEND, Vicky Ford; Two main areas of vulnerable children, those with a social worker (assessed on a case by safe basis whether to be in school) and those with an EHCP - should be risk assessed on whether attend
Rob Halfon; Asks about the definition of vulnerable children - new legislation doesn't define vulnerability, Vicky Ford; 151 different LAs and being monitored extremely closely. Vulnerability definition: Has a Social Worker or EHCP - LAs have authority to add others into category
Rob Halfon; Less than 1% of children going to school, 5% of children are at risk of abuse or neglect. What is being done by the government to look out for these children? Vicky Ford: Attendance numbers a bit higher than that, taken before Easter, encouraging them to attend school
Rob Halfon; Laptop scheme: Does the DfE know how long the children are learning each day? Vicky Ford; Tracking of information, working across government to track what's happening on the ground across the 151 LAs - creating a data tracker with children's commissioner
Vicky Ford; DfE & OFTSED teams specifically in contact with LAs that are working with vulnerable and deploying staff into these areas - inspectors sent to LAs that need the most help
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