"Physicians of Pincher Creek’s Associate Clinic will discontinue hospital-based services once the community gets through the COVID-19 pandemic."

Still remember delivering my first baby (my preceptors son!) at the hospital.



#AbLeg #AbPoli
And my first code (he came in blue and never made it). The first panic attack that mimicked a heart attack. Suturing a 2nd degree perineal tear. Driving to Cardston with @pluggedinMD to put in spinals. 👨‍⚕️
Staying 3 hours late researching nephrotic syndrome to prevent my patient from going into renal failure and needing dialysis.

Can’t sleep. Heartbreaking over this. 😧
My first father with prostate cancer with bony mets died, comfortably, at this hospital. It was my first exposure to palliative care. I’ve had so many more fathers like that since then. 👨‍👧‍👦
The time I got to give propofol to maintain sedation during a colonoscopy. Dr. John Rottger looking up at me and saying “you got this, right?” 💪
Rushing Dr. Cameron down Highway 3 to the Crowsnest Pass to deliver a baby by Urgent C-section. Saving the life of mom and babe. 🤱

The amazing nurses, allied health professionals, and clinic staff that showed me how great life is when your team is happy. 🥰
I was so happy to be only an hour away from @karliwithakay while also pursuing my childhood dream to help others in their greatest time of need. 🎶

My time in Pincher Creek made me into the doctor, husband, and father that I am today.
I tried to keep silent and take the high road. I tried to give the rural MLAs like @SearleTurton and Roger Reid time to step up for their communities. Instead all they do is pray for @shandro.

If you want to be a doctor, think twice before coming to Hellberta. 😔

You can follow @dinesh6w.
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