Failing to vote doesn't "tear down the establishment" or "dismantle the two-party system" The establishment loves it when discontent and apathy drives people to abstain from voting.
Likewise, voting doesn't "normalize" it. Our elections are happening one way or another. Going to the beach doesn't normalize the tides.
Unless you guys are really, *really* ready to take to the streets, the best ways to open up our electoral system are... well, electorally.

Who do you think is more likely to pass voter reform - the Republicans or Democrats?
Republicans have spent decades trying to disenfranchise minorities. Nancy Pelosi (may God forgive me for praising her) is pushing for a bill that would nationalize same-day voter registration.
That's Pelosi. Not even the Justice Democrats.

If you REALLY want to fix our democracy, work within the Democratic party to push for voter reform, changes to our voting system, the abolition of the EC, and more. You're not gonna do that by not voting.
I'm not happy about our choice of presidential votes either, but progress can only come if we're willing to work cleverly and persistently within existing systems of power, not rejecting them and delusionally believing we can magically affect policy by tweeting hard enough
Unless, of course, you think we're actually ready to take the streets, in which case you are wildly ignorant to the political persuasion of American citizens
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