i'd respect more men that were into their "spirituality" if they actually understood that their psyche is their spirit and did their true healing and didn't cover it up with esoteric knowledge they borrow and repeat to attract women.

glad i got this off my chest.
it's like they read one book and go on a power trip and completely ignore the fluidity of this experience until it's time to manipulate and distort their feminine/yin energy to receive ... like. why waste your power like this? heal yourself then you wouldn't have to work so hard.
i root for their healing like none other because we do need them just like they need us but that fire has to be ignited from deep within. i know they are capable of healing. for every destructive action, there is one of creation. i won't give up on them.
but no one can want it more than you do or do the work for you. utilizing their natural resourcefulness can do wonders when channeled into the proper direction. i've seen it so i know it is possible.
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