i love you. i’ve loved you since the first time you picked up your ukulele and you wrote a song about clouds. a silly little song about clouds. i love you. and that night in your room when you told me you loved me i meant to say it. i meant to say it
and i’ve kicked myself everyday since then because i didn’t say it. but I do. i love you. i’ve loved you since seventh grade when I made you ride in the front row of demon’s destiny at six flags, and you told me you sometimes get a little seasick on roller coasters, and I said
“come on, live a little.” yeah. and then i puked all over your shoes and you didn’t even make me feel bad about it. no. you just said, um… yeah, because you outgrew them. the thing is, i never outgrew you. and i don’t really know what happens tomorrow, or in two minutes when we
walk out that door. all I know is i want this feeling to keep going. because this whole experience i’m just i’m not ready for it to be over. for us to be i mean. and if that means doing another musical, then fine. i don’t want this to be just a showmance. really. i want it to be
the real thing. i mean, i think it is the real thing, i just i want a chance to prove it. i do.
yeah no nini lines cause this is a ricky moment for me
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