It is astonishing how fast the take that it is racist/imperialist/the Iraq War to economically and politically distance from China has spread throughout the left.
There are 4 people who want war with the PRC and they're all dumbasses. The military sure as fuck doesn't want it. But if you want to reindustrialize you have to distance the economy from a giant pool of cheap ununionized labor. This is an opportunity to implement such a policy.
That the left is going so hard protecting the special relationship with China, cemented with PNTR with China under Bill Clinton, proves once again that the left is really just the cultural handmaidens of neoliberalism. They will defend it with their last breath.
Imports from China quadrupled after Clinton signed PNTR, and manufacturing jobs (already declining) disappeared even faster. This is what you're defending when you defend the special Chimerica relationship. Pure uncut Clintonian neoliberalism.
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