Hi Los Angeles,

Now that you’ve had a hit of quake-adrenaline, it’s time to your city emergency management a Follow & fill out a Did You Feel It? report.

Remember null reports of NOT feeling out are also useful! https://twitter.com/readyla/status/1252856992273580032
Initial analysis is a strike-slip earthquake about 12km deep.

That’s totally normal for LA, although all those brain sediments tend to amplify shaking to feel worse. https://twitter.com/cppgeophysics/status/1252864621033058306
Every earthquake releases energy, dropping stress on the fault that moved but increasing stress on locked faults nearby.

Aftershocks are from that redistributing energy. This was a small earthquake, so the aftershocks should be even smaller, maybe even too small to feel.
(Hi, it’s almost 1am and my autocorrect is determined to make this impossible.

“time to *give your city”
“*basin sediments”

Every earthquake has a chance of being a foreshock for something bigger.

It’s a pile of napping puppies. One wriggled, they all fidget to get comfy, & most times they fall back asleep... unless a twitch whacks a nose and sets them scrambling.

No aftershock forecast posted.
Q: What do I do if there’s an earthquake when I’m in bed?

A: Curl up & is your pillow to shelter your head & neck.

Ideally, you’ve already made sure no nearby bookshelves or lamps will fall on you, so just wait it out.

Nervous? Close curtains so window glass can’t fall on bed.
Earthquake just a bit too much on top of existing pandemic anxiety and you need to Do Something?

1. Tuck shoes under the edge of your bed. Ig a quake happens while you sleep, you’ll have easy access to protect feet from debris
2. Charge your phone
3. Install the ShakeAlertLA app
(*If, ig isn’t even a word?!)

Being in a prolonged state of disaster response for the pandemic has us all more aware of changes in our environments.

If this felt bigger than it “should” from past quake experience, well... yeah. You’re primed to notice EVERYTHING & you’re bored.
You can follow @mikamckinnon.
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