Fuck it. I'm saying now why I'm deleting all of my side accounts (warning some may be offended)

Long story short, I have fucking had it to the tip if my IRL dick with Twitter. I want to rp with others, either it be my charecters or as one offs. ((1/?))
So I have followed some rp Twitter's, and then decided to make it easier on myself by making 2 diffrent rp accounts. One for my female poke-sona (Art done my @/LycNic ) and another for a male argonian I made (litterly Skyrim screenshots) ((2/?))
I followed any RP account I saw intrest in. As time grew, my love for not only to, but art as well. I realized that 95% of rp accounts do not credit the artist or credit them properly. This of which pissed me off, causing me to make a secret account ((3/?))
That account was called "RPCreditKiller" (my pfp was the grim reaper) and I followed only 3 accounts, them being helpers to find those who non credit (I'll keep their names secret for reasons). Some accounts I became friends with (crediting or not) ((4/?))
Some who didn't I am still friends with and the others I sadly lost contact with. That secret account I had got a lot of hate, and with me being a self conscious and depressed I deleted it about a month later and left it alone ((5/?))
I kept my hatred for Twitter secret and just said nothing, untill one day I snapped. I @'ed the artists and told the art thiefs to fuck off for a solid day. And my life on Twitter has slowly spiraled down to where I just like art, retweet memes, and support artists ((6/?))
Eventually I just fucking gave up knowing that no one would want justice for the ARTISTS WHO WORK HARD FOR THEIR TRUE SUPPORTERS (I know I sound like a white knight, but damnit you all know I'm right) and I found ways to kill my anger ((7/?))
But one post... One fucking post.

Call me an entitled parent named Karen cause I lost my fucking shit

I saw someone who was rping as an inciniroar (spelled wrong btw) and was using art from my favorite artists ((8/?))
They not only cropped the artists name out, but then proceeded to say the artists was shit, and they used their art cause they were desperate... I will not say how many accounts I made, but that person is now off Twitter and is hopefully emailing Twitter and lying ((9/?))
The artists who they said was terrible (sorry for the @ Hun) was @LycNic ... I was considering telling them this, but waited till now to do so due to low self esteem. I will quote the exact dm I sent the other person ((10/?))
Before I go on, support @/LycNic she is fucking amazing!!!

The message I sent was "You fucking disgust me. Not only do you insult my favorite artist, but all artists and Twitter role-play accounts. Please leave the this platform and never come back" before blocking them ((11/?))
Before y'all get on me like "YoU dO rP yEt YoU aRe GeTtInG oN oThErS!!!" If I use charaters for one offs (on my discord) I credit the artists by linking where I originally downloaded it from and if the artists says not to use their charaters or art, I respect that ((12/?))
My final words on this.


End of thread, ask me more on this in dms if needed ((13/13))
You can follow @dragon_lyra.
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