Okay so, I am currently trying to completely change my art style that more look like those I highly love. These being Deep Sea Prisoner's, Hirohiko Araki's, Mochiriworks', and Jinxit's styles. And as I tried it from muscle memory, they came out really good??? Like I had no refs
And I don't really know how to react? Like, these styles are vastly different and I don't think I can combine them unlike the latter two for furries. So I have a question, does this mean I should do multiple styles?
Cause I've seen artists with commission sheets that has like, 15 different styles on it. I genuinely don't know, cause honestly I love them all. I'm just so confused rn, this confusion may not be justified in all honestly. I probably should be happy with this, but idk...
If your wondering about the sketches, here they are. They're characters for my comic. Sorry if this thread annoys you.
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