Hany Shaker: you are the biggest hypocrite ever you are definitely a boomer you dm girls for nudes and smoke and drink but judge other people for existing/breathing and no one likes you anyways you also stink
Mostafa Amar: you gonna live your wild years until u hit 45 then realize it’s time to settle down. You are fun and no one takes you seriously like people will party with you but don’t trust you with serious stuff. You always brag about your colored eyes and u are a player
Mohamed Fouad: you are an underrated person and have great opinions on stuff you just aren’t vocal and more of a listener than a talker. You are also a hopeless romantic and believe in happily ever afters.
Hakim: you think you can dance but you really can’t 💀 you are also a player and definitely high all the time. You probably shower once a week and use head and shoulders. But you know how to party and that’s the only reason ppl talk to u
Ali El Haggar: you are my dad
Mohamed Hamaki: you have been in the talking stage for like 3 years now like he ain’t gonna marry you. You also with the Abdelhalim and Mohamed Fouad listeners but you are in between them. You think you gonna get those clichĂ© proposals and you definitely have written fanfics
Oka & Ortega: you use people until you get what u need then you betray them. You have talent but you just don’t have a brain. You are one of those people that think being popular in high school is important. You smoke and harass girls on your free time. You are also jobless
Ramy Essam: you are weird like there’s something off about you but you also aren’t afraid to speak your mind. You probably have colleges of communist leaders around the wall and you smoke weed. You are privileged but you pretend to not see it.
Mahmoud El-Esseily: you are the worst of the worst you are literal scum you REALLY talk out of your ass u are a misogynist and probably racist the fact you don’t get the hint shows how brain dead you are literallt no one likes you. People make fun of you
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