I like this article. But they have missed so many cultural & economic pivotal points. First, thing we have to let go is “the middle class”. It been over. Unless you are in a cash positive (close to $1m per year) and a networth of about $3m- it’s not middle class. It’s delusion. https://twitter.com/alloyjane/status/1252835953850241026
It’s a really interesting read about economics, education, and how it ties into death rates but the first thing that needs to fall in America is this illusion of a “middle class” that’s working or a few hot shots away from being even close to millionaires in revenue
And ppl hate to hear it but it’s the TRUTH & also the illusion of this “middle class” status drives so much of the population, media, innovation, and death. Ppl are OBSESSED with calling themselves ‘middle class’ or being middle class with VERY LITTLE to show for it & declining
Being “middle class” is what is an attainable illusion of consumerism that’s literally brainwashed the world bc it is the ultimate average joe attainable goal- but the goal posts keeps moving as your 30yr investments decline
Your 2-5yr investment of a car isn’t worth anything, your handbags are now out of style. You can’t even afford to run your own businesses BUT it’s an *investment* right? Your children’s education is higher but they struggle between multiple languages & investing strategies
The “middle class” is a predatory illusion that keeps this country going. It’s those ppl who believe in it who lose every time these declines come around. Bc, secretly? Ppl don’t want to call themselves working class or are very disassociated from the *true* class
then you have the influence of media even driving that insecurity that comes from that disassociation right over the edge after the fed collects your cheap assets that didn’t accumulate well &your private school education didn’t get you far. Drop the scam & live a healthy reality
And I’ll tell you why it’s a scam to believe you are middle class without a cash positive networth of a $3 million- how many ppl do you know who called themselves “middle class”, stayed “middle class” after selling their house? That’s normally an asset of about $300k<!!
Most of these ppl do not even own enough equity in their own homes to refinance or remodel for selling. Or can’t sell. Bc the the trend for the goal posts keeps moving... forever. And ppl keep chasing it believing they are on the tip of being millionaires which fuels the economy.
I assume the ages are just when ppl self actualize & fail to adjust to clarity vs the constant delusion most ppl live under their entire lives about how well they are doing just bc “the economy is doing well”
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