It doesn’t make logical sense to force everyone to go back to work without a vaccine. And yeah, I know some people can choose to just stay at home. But if your place of employment goes back to work and you refuse, I’m 90% sure you’d get fired. So yeah, there is no choice there.
I’m just really annoyed by all of the protestors. They’re going to get sick themselves and/or make their families sick. Or even complete strangers at the grocery store. It really bothers me because honestly I consider it to be criminal negligence. They know what they’re doing 2/?
They just don’t care. And idk how we bridge this gap of polarization. On one side we have people saying the protestors are murderers and on the other we have people who claim that the people upset at protestors are just afraid because of the media. But the articles I’ve seen 3/?
Just tell the truth and are trying to keep people safe. There is a severe lack of media literacy and political sophistication in this country. I should know. I wrote a 50 page honors thesis about it. But I still don’t have any answers. I just know that to ask people to 4/?
Go back to work right now with no other option is wrong. People are afraid. People are RIGHT to be afraid. This virus is real. It’s not a political plot. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s a public health crisis that isn’t going away because you want to go bowling or whatever. 5/?
Idk I’m just tired. The conspiracies make me mad. The ignorance depresses me. Idek why I made this thread. Just needed to vent I guess. 6/6.
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