**Being Vulnerable in Calls and Video Calls: A thread by a guy who rambles a lot**

There is something about being in a video call that is extremely meaningful. Seeing other people's faces and their body language and showing your own... Something very human.
Whether we realize it or not, when we interact with people, we show a level of vulnerability. Sharing an opinion people may/may not agree with, talking a certain way, and just being you in general is being vulnerable to an extent. That's part of being human.
I was just in a Discord video call a while ago, and not only did I learn a lot about VA, movies, and other topics, but about my friends in general. Seeing their faces, how they talked, and how they were as chill as I imagined they were in regular calls was super comforting.
That's also another thing about being vulnerable: people find comfort in it. Real friends/mentors will tell you "that's actually not how it is" and take the time to educate you on it. Your first instinct will probably be to get defensive, BUT when you fight against that instinct-
-and instead share what you know and ask WHY it is what it is, the conversation shifts from heading into a toxic crapfest to an EXTREMELY meaningful discussion. You can tell by people's body language and expressions on camera, which makes reading the air SO MUCH easier.
I'll admit I do get uncomfortable sometimes when I see people arguing or sense that a conversation could turn into an argument. If you've been on a call with me, you'll notice I get quiet until the "argument anxiety" passes and then I speak up to keep the healthy discourse going.
I'm not a sociologist. In fact I'm a socially awkward guy. But just being vulnerable whether it's sharing a story, putting your thoughts out, or even just turning your cam on to let people see you- no matter how small that might seem, those are extremely meaningful things to me.
Conclusion: I really miss talking to people face-to-face, so rambling about things I've observed in social situations recently is how I'm coping. ;_;
If you made it to the end of this thread, thank you for reading my ramblings. Take care and stay safe. đź’›
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