We need to flatten the curve as much as possible via social distancing/stay-at-home measures and be prepared to take in COVID patients that need to be hospitalized.

With that being said, we also need to discuss what are elective and non-elective medical procedures. 1/n
One of my friends had brain surgery sometime around Christmas, and she has not been back to work due to complications during recovery. She has been stuck at home in pain, because she can’t get a spinal tap—a spinal tap is currently considered an elective procedure. 2/n
She needs a spinal tap for further diagnosis before her next brain surgery. While she waits for hospitals to open back up and start performing elective procedures again, she has to deal with a nerve pain that her pain medication can’t alleviate. 3/n
A lot of her day is spent laying down and crying trying to ignore the pain. She can’t even go for walks due to shortness of breath caused by the nerve pain wrapping around her ribs. 4/ n
She’s currently looking at other states that may open up sooner, because fluid keeps building up in her spinal cord. If this continues with no intervention, she can get permanent nerve damage, and the pain would never go away. 5/n
I believe a balance can be achieved between keeping stay-at-home orders and allowing people to get the treatments they need. 6/n
I am requesting Governors @TomWolfPA @GovLarryHogan @PhilMurphyNJ and many more to look into revising their executive orders to allow people to receive the non-COVID treatments that they need. Please help people like my friend. 7/7
I would also appreciate it very much if people can RT this thread for more visibility. I don’t know how else I can help my friend... @RealBenCarson @MarkRuffalo @AndrewYang @TulsiGabbard @VanJones68 @MeghanMcCain @taylorswift13
You can follow @realParkAndy.
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