I'm totally not finishing Shinjuku as I do school work; anywho I like Emiya Alter a lot more, though I still think him to be the least fun of the 3, as long as I read all of Emiya Alter's lines with the voice of Spawn, very glad I watched Spawn on that note.
Also @MarikaYurei if you haven't familiarized yourself with Shinjuku I'd recommend skipping this thread. I liked the story a lot but I think the deus ex machinas are getting too outlandish, though I think I understand why.
My assumption is, because I've heard this argument before not that I remember what it was for, to keep the story going the scale of power needs to get greater and greater to keep things interesting but that leaves the writers with no "reasonable solution" to solve the huge...
problem they've dealt into the players hand. Alas poor me and such I suppose, I'm very glad that Jeanne Alter got her dance and I hope that Saber Alter got to see her dog again though.
Also, is Holmes like mega dead now? My assumption/understanding, that is probably very wrong because its super hard to remember past story points, was that Holmes was just kinda acting of his own volition and thus when he dies in Shinjuku, he dies for reals?
GOD DAMN IT, talk about speaking too soon.
GOD DAMN IT, talk about speaking too soon.(x2) I should really shut up instead of compiling my thoughts so early.
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