If someone has told or implied to you that their league or any league out there is a better thing for youth soccer and overall player development in this country than a fully connected league system open to every team and player via merit based entry... (1/x)
They are a liar with a financial/power incentive to keep things the way that they are.

They don't want the kind of transformational change necessary to allow the cream to rise to the top without having to deal with gatekeepers, middle men, and charlatans all extorting a $ tax
There are 650 teams already playing at this "Elite" regional and national league level at the u17 boys level alone.

A stable and easy to understand landscape would reward player development and allow everyone involved in the game to see the player pathway to the top.
Massive structural change like this would be good for EVERYONE involved in the youth game at the "elite" level except those who gatekeep, middle man, and fake expertise, etc to stay at the top and EXCLUDE those who deserve via hard work, talent, and merit opportunity.
Keep your eyes open for those who tell you that we don't need massive change. What is their motive to keep things the way they are?

Why are they fighting so hard to limit competition if they are the best at what they do and develop the best players?

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