What are Lenormand Cards and why do I prefer them?

As I’ve started to give out more and more readings using my Lenormand cards, I’ve had people ask me what they are and how they are different from Tarot cards.

Lenormand is still a card based divination method, the approach is much different than when reading Tarot.
There are more specific, nitty gritty differences in these decks than I will go over in this thread but I will outline what I believe are the 3 fundamental differences between Lenormand and Tarot:

1. Structure
2. Approach
3. Content

When reading Tarot, you read cards individually and, if applicable, their spread position can give the card a deeper meaning. The spread as a whole can tell a story by weaving the cards together but generally, one card gives a specific significance to the spread.
With Lenormand, the cards are meant to be read in pairs or combos. You can’t derive much meaning from 1 card alone as context is built by combining pairs and sets of cards. Spreads are read almost like sentences, with syntax and with cards building meaning from the ones around it
Tarot readers are very creative and unique with the shapes of their spreads while Lenormand readers keep things a bit more simple and direct.

Tarot tends to be more psychological in nature, digging deeper into one’s psyche while Lenormand deals with more practical, earthly matters.
It’s easiest to think of this as Lenormand can tell us the “what” while Tarot tells us the “how” as it is more grounded in the client’s feelings about the situation rather than the situation itself.

There are pros and cons, but this is what drew me into Lenormand to begin with.
I don’t have to rely on my intuition on interpreting the cards, my intuition comes in when pulling the cards in the first place.

Intuition of course plays a role into interpretation but Lenormand cards keep you very accountable about staying on topic.
As a diviner, I personally enjoy structure in my practice as it leaves less room for error and I can give the client the most accurate and relevant reading.

Lenormand is a much smaller deck than Tarot, totaling only 36 cards. Tarot has 78 and when you consider reversals, as some readers do, you have essentially 156 different card meanings or card nuances.
This lends Lenormand to be quicker, snappier and typically a little less complex than Tarot. While certain cards mean more than one thing, (e.g. the Tower card can mean both institutions as well as feelings of loneliness) ..
the broader context of the pair or combination lets the reader fret out any extraneous significations.

I find Lenormand is better for asking what will/could happen in a given situation and because of this I prefer Lenormand cards for readings because the feelings of the client don’t get as muddied into the interpretation. (esp love readings!)
I find that I don't need the enhanced nuance and subconscious reading that Tarot cards provide. As I'm able to give an accurate context to my client through the simplicity of Lenormand cards and I find that most clients open up and we are able to reach the depths
together and with realistic, grounded guidance. It's this client-reader relationship that I find rewarding. Now, there is no one correct way to practice divination and my practice is no better than anyone else's. I just figured I'd gotten some questions about Lenormand
I thought I'd share my experience with them and why I prefer them. I still enjoy Tarot but for now it is not part of my divination method. I hope this thread was clear and concise and that you enjoyed reading it!
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