Siapa kat sini main tonyoh-tonyoh je skincare kat muka?

Before this I pun main suka hati je tampar tampar toner dan serum kat muka konon nak lagi absorb rupanya tak berapa membantu sangat 😂😂

So today I nak share correct way utk apply skincare.
Cleanser: Salah tau kalau korang ingat lagi kuat sental muka lagi bersih. Too harsh motion boleh buat kulit irritate and boleh ada fine wrinkles juga.

✅ Start dengan big circular motion on cheek-chin pastu baru slowly move to nose and dahi. Jangan lupa #60SecondRule
Toner: Kalau pakai cotton pad, basahkan dua cotton pad and start dari forehead ke dagu
Toner: If kalau jenis suka pakai tangan, just letak sikit kat palm and pat and gently press toner evenly onto face.
Serum: Fingertips method

Drop 2-3 drops serum kat hujung jari. Pat and spread on face. Tak perlu massage in pun sebab serum ada banyak active ingredients so biar je serap sendiri onto the skin
Serum: But I prefer to use this method on hydrating serum, especially my fav Cuura Hyaluronic Acid Boost Serum. Memang nampak kulit boing boing lepas tu

✅ Put products at fingertips pastu tadah tangan doa dan letak kat muka.
✅ Gerak dari tengah ke luar
-hidung ke telinga
-tengah dahi ke hujung
- dagu ke jawline
My dermatologists pun recommend this method 👆🏻 utk apply moisturiser and sunscreen sebab utk elak product from trap in pores = clogged pores = acne
Lastly, face oil.
Just use 2-3 drops, rub between palm utk activate oil and gently pat on skin. Selalunya Ain akan pat dalam 4-5 seconds kat each area. Use your whole hand to apply
So cuba lah use these methods utk mid-day/ night routine hari ni. Try to be consistent untuk dapatkan amazing result.

Hopefully korang enjoy baca #MSBKongsi hari ni and kalau ada yang cuba lmk tau
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