Lots of jokes like, "I miss having the choice to socially distance," or "I miss staying in by choice."

Where's the line between ableism and just using humor to commiserate in the actual difficulties people are dealing with?

This isn't accusatory. My lines are just so blurred.
When I read stuff like that, my knee-jerk has become: "Some people didn't have that choice before and won't have that choice after all of this has passed."

A part of me is hurt, because it reminds me of how invisible I felt when I first became ill, how many people left me.
But I'm also not humorless or without empathy for people who may be "better off." People are experiencing real difficulty. Isolation isn't easy, no matter your circumstances.

So what do I do with this feeling? Do I engage? Do I "ruin their joke?" Is it just me?
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