Before this poll, did you know the pineal gland has rods & cones that can detect light (like the eyes)... making it the mythical "third eye" of legend?
Strict evolutionists claim the rods & cones are residual and serve no purpose in man... the subject is rather heavily repressed in "accepted" science.

Spiritualists insist the pineal gland responds to either inner light, or some poorly understood source of light.
It's fascinating how the pineal gland is featured all over the world in ancient art & sculpture with the pinecone symbol, which the organ resembles... and that ancients called it the third eye. How did the ancients know to call it an eye?
Personally, I don't think God makes mistakes and following him unlocks our gifts... so I don't go chasing after all the mysteries. But this sure is a curious one.

IMHO, trust Jesus Christ. Stay away from new age spiritualism, which is not centered in Him.
I will not claim to have "the answers" on this mystery. But I've noticed the ancient families that run the world have pineal gland symbology ALL OVER their world & art... yet they suppress teaching about this for the rest of us and put fluoride in our water. Something stinks.
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