because I am tired of shows i love drown in sloppily executed deaths. Following the guidelines of GoT and Grey’s made of these “shock value” deaths is old and and useless. It didn’t further a narrative or agenda. It just made us hate the show. #bringbackmelendez
With the amount of tv shows that are available to the average viewer with Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Youtube or cable, we’re able to consume the exact content we want to and not be reduced down to only watching the same popular shows on broadcast tv #bringbackmelendez
With Melendez’s “death”, I felt cheated as a viewer. I felt absolutely traumatized. Most of all, I felt anger towards every single person who thought this was the outcome necessary to further the show. #bringbackmelendez
This was by far one of the most asinine deaths I’ve had to watch. For this to not only be done during a pandemic, but also be medically incorrect, I felt absolutely disgusted by investing my time in a show I thought wouldn’t reduce itself down to “shock value” #bringbackmelendez
deaths. Making death count takes time, care and emotional investment. We didn’t get that. What we got was a cheap attempt to increase viewership with the cover of “realism” and “everyone in the world can die” but folks don’t die at the rate they do on shows #bringbackmelendez
All this death did was invigorate an absolute distaste and disappointment of @shorez ability to write a script with a death devoid of any actual meaning only inserted for buzz on social media. Well, you got buzz. #bringbackmelendez
And it‘s legitimately all negative. No one was pleased with the finale. It’s not supposed to be like this. Showrunners have come back to one central idea of what makes a “good TV death” and that is when it is inevitable based on the characters journey #bringbackmelendez
Melendez’s journey hadn’t even begun. He didn’t get to become a father. He didn’t become Chief. His story with his sister is ruined. His love story with Claire was cut short and his story with Lim was completely written off. #bringbackmelendez
We never met his family. We never knew anything about him. We never even got the meaning behind his tattoo that @gooddrwriters @shorez promised we’d get. Will Melendez’s death further the plot? No. #bringbackmelendez
We’ll get the same story where Claire is grieving another loved one. We never got to see a goodbye with basically any of the other characters and Shaun lost the only mentor who pushed him to evolve emotionally #bringbackmelendez
“If the worst thing that can happen to a character is that she [or he] could lose her [or his] life, then that character probably isn’t terribly well-developed in the first place. Death on TV is most successful when it feels inevitable...” #bringbackmelendez
“ a crucial part of a character’s journey, not something that just ‘happens’ to them.” - Emily VanDerbWerff, Vox #bringbackmelendez
It also becomes an issue of representation. The only Latinx character on the show was prematurely killed off. A black woman was written off, another black woman is now centered around another story of trauma #bringbackmelendez
it seems as though both Asian-American characters will be subject to storylines of trauma(one may not even return), a black man was never even given the opportunity to say goodbye to his friend, but three white characters survive with a form of a happy ending. #bringbackmelendez
Maybe a lull in views stipulated this conversation. Maybe Melendez as a character was “expendable” but unfortunately, he was the reason most people tuned in. His storyline with Claire, Lim, Andrews, Shaun and everyone else was riveting #bringbackmelendez
This character “death” is not worth it. You all said you second-guessed it. We deserve better. This is not Grey’s Anatomy. So please #bringbackmelendez @gooddrwriters @shorez @danieldaekim @TheTLMoran @SLfrom @eringunn36 @SethLGordon @Mrozema @shindotB @ASWeissman
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