What are Lenormand cards and why do I prefer them over Tarot?

As I’ve started to give out more and more readings using my Lenormand deck, I’ve had people ask me what they are and how they are different from Tarot cards.

Lenormand is still a card based divination method, the approach is much different than the one used when reading Tarot.
There are more specific, nitty gritty differences than I will go over in this thread but I will cover what I believe are the 3 fundamental differences between Lenormand and Tarot.

1. Structure
2. Approach
3. Content

Tarot is generally read as individual cards that, if applicable can be combined with the place it occupies in the spread. One card has enough meaning in it that you can derive a lot of nuance from it to give to your client. Lenormand, on the other hand is not..
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