Seeing many clients with disturbed #sleep #insomnia #anxietykeepyouawake at this time.
A few tips:

1. Include a physical activity to release stress when it gets too high. Try skipping, jumping jacks, yogasana if you're facing a space constraint
2. Draw your circle of control, circle of influence and circle of concern.

List your worries and concerns and fit them into each. Focus most of your energy and action on what fits into your circle of control. Come back to circle of concern when you can do something about them.
Use a body posture change to release stress. I like to recommend tadasana. But you can also progressively clench and unclench / flex and unflex parts of your body
4. Keep a sleep diary. Observe your patterns of napping, eating, consuming caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, sugar; binge eating or snacking, social media , TV streaming and news exposure. Underline recurring patterns and see if tweaking them helps.
5. Set aside a time to worry about things. Pick half an hour to go over your list of concerns. Then be done with it for the day. If it pops up again during the day, list it and shift it to the next day’s appointed hour.
6. Find and retain a go to calming meditative or relaxation technique. This could be deep breathing, touching your toes for ten mins, putting on some soothing music, or a long hot bath/ cold shower. It could be pacing a room, dancing to music, yoga, silent sitting.
7. Observe your negative self talk before you go to sleep. Are you dreading sleep time, certain you won’t sleep, catastrophising the lack of sleep (is it a few mins and do you describe it as hours)”? See if you can reduce the intensity of what you’re saying to yourself
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