I know I probably don't have the results to prove it right now, but I feel like I'm capable of being a top Mario player in the MDVA.

That will be my goal when we can play offline again.

I don't know how hard it'll be, but I at least want to show what I can do outside of Wi-Fi.
I really do feel like this is something I am capable of doing and something that I can achieve.

I just have to put more effort.

For now, my goal will be to just be the best young Mario in MDVA.

Then move up from there.
Feels weird saying this, since I've stated that I suck at this game in the past.

Sometimes I still do think that.

There's a lot of things I still have to learn and I should keep myself at ground level.

Practicing is what I shall do.
I feel like I should always state that I really am not trying to make this sound egotistical or whatever

It's just that I feel that this is something I can accomplish.

And I do want to.

Hopefully, it'll show when I start going to locals.
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