1/ Unpopular opinion: white America will *likely* win VP.

There's a lot of nonsense in the article. Very much on-brand for the source, but one thing that's accurate is polling in swing states favors Warren.

But there's more to the story.

2/The poll above is a quality poll by Donors of Color Action & it's the first good look into the VP. The poll below is from YouGov, while dated it confirms the more recent poll.

Let's be clear, we're not taking about the "most qualified," that's Harris in a landslide.
3/We're talking about something very different, polling. It matters, especially to presidential candidates. New polling erases old polling. This isn't about qualifications or representation, but it should be.
4/Harris underperformed by 10 points in MI among black voters. Some of this is b/c @GovWhitmer was on the poll, but not all of it.

We - not just black voters b/c Harris has solid support from white voters - need to make this about more than polling.
5/This needs to be about representation. This is about Harris not only representing us in the black community b/c she's black, it's about her being an immensely quailed candidate that's also black. Being smart, strong, & capable is why she should be VP
6/Being black also matters. We're the reason Biden is the nominee & we every right to representation, but every race benefits for Kamala Harris as VP.
7/If we're going to win this fight we need to make this about what Kamala *is* not what Warren isn't. People don't care Warren lied about her heritage. They care about what is Kamala going to do *for* the ticket vs Warren.
8/8 This doesn't mean we can't hold Warren's feet to the fire, but it has to be relevant. Ancient history is echo chamber chatter. It won't change minds. Biden's waiting for polling b/c polls drive political decisions & we're outnumbered. But we can still win if we push.
@CMargaronis the polling in this thread is what I was nervous about when I said awhile back that feeling like Harris was a frontrunner was dangerous.
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