Why I think the public service needs a values frame to make policy discussion is this: there is already a values frame in use, it is the water we swim in, but invisible to most. That frame prioritises individual extrinsic values above our intrinsic collective ones 1/
2/It is why so many public policy decisions start with cost effectiveness (instead of using it as a tool), why risk mitigation is a key factor in new projects, why short-term financial costs take precedence over long term solutions, why prevention is so hard to implement
3/why genuine shared design making never quite gets there. The frustrating aspect of this, is many people who care about reimagining our systems for equity, inclusivity, prevention, long term social & planetary heath (inside & out of the public service), hit an invisible barrier
4/They can't figure out why things that make so much sense, that are genuinely really pragmatic, sensible decisions supported by evidence to achieve collective health & wellbeing, & more inclusive society, are so hard to get through
5/B/c its a values set they are up against, & one that no-one is making visible. It is like punching at shadows. The reality is that public policy is there to deliver genuine social & public good, that means for everyone, now, in the future, across all communities, not just some.
6/The current values set sometimes does this, mostly it delivers best for the few who are already doing ok & does damage to others in the process.
7/So a values framework to drive policy making decisions through is needed. It is needed to make clear what values are being used. But it needs to be a framework that helps policy makers align their work with the values that encourage decision making for collective benefit.
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