Librarians should at least consider the possibility that systematically cold-calling patrons across a specific demographic swath to check on their health & well-being will be read as invasive/intrusive/inappropriate by at least some patrons (I would). [1/
Would you have a defensible response if even 1 patron questions your motivations & qualifications? Isn't it narcissistic to think noble intentions compensate for a lack of health-professional credentials? Might this harm (y)our reputation as an establishment that respects & 2/
values patron privacy. I reject the defense that because libraries aren't leaking data it means there's no privacy violation. Respecting social boundaries and user PPI + a commitment to not misusing data entrusted to us beyond its intended purpose are all critical to privacy. 3/
It's hypocritical to shrug at overstepping our roles given how often librarians feel frustrated when other professions assume our mantle or ignore our professional contributions to the public sphere. Are we somehow exempt from staying in our lanes? If we're the exception, why? 4]
Plus y'all know that just because you care and are worried about a vulnerable population, it doesn't give you license to pry into their lives. Seniors deserve respect for their autonomy & person (which is too often mowed down by unscrupulous proximates). You can empower/support
them without infantilizing 'em. Do a mass "comm'ty resources" email. That's great. But y'all know very well if it was a different vulnerable demographic, it'd hit VERY different. Don't believe? What happens if you change that demog. to all teens, disabled, women, singles or POC?
I'll add because I know it's coming --yes your patrons probably do share their personal lives with you and interact with you regularly. That doesn't invite you into their lives and homes outside of those interactions. Imagine if the bartender you spilled your drunken heart out to
on that failed blind date 3 months ago decides to call and check up on you on a Tuesday morning. Hits different right? It should. Because having a private exchange when it's initiated by the customer/patron is a very different power dynamic than when it's in the reverse, right?
LOL I just realized that I totally mean PII and not PPI in all my tweets. My brain has clearly fused PII and PPE. Thanks pandemic!
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