I don't believe in the idea that members of marginalised groups can make the rest of us "look bad" because that implies that every marginalised person in the public eye is an ambassador for their entire group. that's ridiculous. no group is a monolith.
how is dinesh d'souza going to make me look bad? there are more than a billion south asians in the world. we didn't collectively appoint him the desi lorax or something. he doesn't speak for anyone but himself.
there are 1.6 billion muslims in the world. terrorists don't make me look bad. I didn't sign into the worldwide muslim whatsapp chat and endorse them. do you think all christians endorse the klan? that's nonsensical thinking.
there are assholes in every group of people. marginalised people aren't exempt from being assholes. none of them have the power to "make everyone else look bad" unless you choose to give it to them. so don't make that choice.
if you think one asshole makes everyone else "look bad" it's because you wanted a reason to see people in a negative light already. don't put that on other people. that's all you. cry about it to your therapist.
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