Fighting for workers' rights only, without offering UBI, the classical left ignores the huge number of freelancers (like artists) struggling to make a living without employment, and also ignores the fact that most workers hate their job and are doing it just to make a living.
The right to live should come as universal human right & not in exchange for job slavery, regardless of how much you're paid to do the things you hate & therefore waste your life. UBI would also support efforts that are totally ignored by the economic system, like raising a child
We have the technology to automate most jobs and provide all people a generous UBI that would cover all the basic needs and give them the freedom to choose to work based on passion and not fear of having nothing to eat or a roof over their heads.
I believe UBI should be generous, billionaires shouldn't exist, & any UBI program must come on top of free healthcare & education. But those on the left who fight UBI don't say this. They hate UBI altogether. Which makes them haters of the right to live for every human being.
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