Wondered about Sweden? From a friend: I think we are doing quite ok in Sweden. Thankfully the initial rapid increase in number of severe Covid19 patients requiring ICU care has effectively been stopped.
The number of hospitalized patients, ICU cases and deaths have been stabilized and there are still ICU beds available everywhere in the country. Still, most hospitals have the situation under control. All hospitals are running elective care but with reduced capacity.
In fact, the Swedish approach is not dramatically different compared to other countries. The difference is probably that the focus has been on protecting people above the age of 70 and risk groups and most measures are made on a voluntary basis.
People are asked to work more from home as much as possible, make efforts on social distancing and avoid traveling.
Primary schools (to 9 th grade) are open but universities and collage’s use distance teaching. Restaurants are open with restrictions on number of guests and requests to place the guests with distance. With voluntary measures domestic travelling has been reduced by 90%
We take the opportunity to run many studies and some RCTs on Covid questions.
We have noticed a marked reduction (25-50%) in the number of patients admitted with MI and undergoing PCI and similar reductions in stroke and TIA and similar drops in care for PAD and aortic disease.
My comment: Sweden is not "business as usual". it is a society with discipline. Important to continue following.
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