@JeffreeStar #JeffreeStarApproved $dumbyindebt hey Jeffree. I by no means need as badly as the many others you have helped but during this time of job loss and a family of three to feed the debt that we have dumbly accumulated is sending my mental health into
A downward spiral. I am always a financially anxious person but with no income but unemployment (not even half of what used to come in) coming in the debt we have is causing me to not only be irritable to my husband but also my son. And that is causing me panic attacks
Like I have never experienced before. Of course I it’s a bottled up irritability and never shown but that’s only making my panic attacks worse to the point I have fully passed out twice since this all started. Anything would help us right now. I also sent a dm
On Instagram from @brennataylor2016 with more details about what could really be fully life changing for us as a family and correct the dumb choices we have made in the past. Thank you in advance and even if you never see this thread thank you for helping everyone you have.
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