I will do my best to keep my #10Queries for #RevPit 2020 in a thread. My plan is to do at least three sessions. One tonight, one over the weekend, and one next week. Here, you'll find my analysis of randomly selected submissions. โžก๏ธ
Each session will last ~ an hour. I will email you after the contest is over with a link to the tweet if I posted about your submission. Not all the editors are offering this because we each have our own way of doing things and this is mine. ๐Ÿ™‚ #RevPit #10Queries
Here is my system: #RevPit #10Queries

๐Ÿ˜ป= Requesting additional materials
๐Ÿ™€= Maybe requesting additional materials
๐Ÿˆ= Passing


Q1 = Query #1 of ??
P1 = +5 pgs #1 of ??

A = Adult
MG = Middle Grade
YA = Young Adult
NA = New Adult
Q1 A T: Not sure the premise will hit the market well. I like the thriller part! Knowing it's a NaNo book is important but also intimidating because how many drafts can you do well between Nov & now? Mentions controversy, which I love. #RevPit #10Queries
P1 A T: Good voice. Opens with promised controversy & is what the Q says. I don't have enough insight into this particular subject matter that I would be a good fit. Sometimes it really do be like that. ๐Ÿˆ #RevPit #10Queries
Q2 YA P: I like the premise a lot! Borders upper MG based on description. Curious if that's the case. How does the identifier come into play? Trying to explain the story rather than sell gives me pause. Bio makes me wonder why I'm needed. #RevPit #10Queries
P2 YA P: Great writing voice! Age of MC = YA, but will the plot = YA? Love that the villain shows up in the +5 pages, but I'm not connecting with how the villain is written or the villain's voice, and I know that will carry through the MS. ๐Ÿˆ #RevPit #10Queries
Q3 A DF: The hook took a minute to find but it's there! Make it the first sentence. Love the super interesting premise. Feels like it should be thriller or suspense. Maybe subcategory? LOVE the comp. The comp alone would get me to read the pages. #RevPit #10Queries
P3 A DF: Where is MC? Writing voice is promising. Offers what Q said in terms of plot. Love the premise. Can't know if I connect to MC if I don't meet MC promised in the Q. I love the voice & premise so much that I want to request just to find MC. ๐Ÿ™€ #RevPit #10Queries
Q4 A WF: There is a lot happening in this Q. I don't understand how the first two paragraphs relate. Remember to transition between paragraphs. The Q is a selling tool. Confused about why things are happening. Interesting plot point came out of left field. #RevPit #10Queries
P4 A WF: Pages start out great! I see one of the points from the Q but there was another point mentioned in the Q that is missing. Does it show up in backstory? Great opening. Too much happening too soon. I'm getting lost. Based on Q, too, I'm not a good fit. ๐Ÿˆ #RevPit #10Queries
Q5 MG DF: You had me at MG dark fantasy. Laughing at the fantastic hook. Interesting premise. Fantastic author voice, and I see glimpses of the MC voice, too. Love the comps. Love the sales pitches. Q is way too short but we can work on it. #RevPit #10Queries
P5 MG DF: Holy voice. Some minor editing concerns causing me to reread but super minor. The concept, the plot, the voice, the MC connection urges me to request because this speaks to me, but I wonder why or even if my help is needed. ๐Ÿ˜ป #RevPit #10Queries
Q6 A WF: The whole novel is the first sentence and I am hooked. I asked for heartbreak and here it is. Written well. Not a ton of voice. Love the title. Already sounds like a movie. Great word count. Has all the marks of a good Q! #RevPit #10Queries
P6 A WF: HOOKED. Starts with Q promise. My heart is already racing. I have a lot of questions about the choices in the beginning. Needs fleshing out. Not sure how I feel about MC or opening. Will need to think on it. ๐Ÿ™€ #RevPit #10Queries
Q7 ?? SF: Age range shows author is not sure where their story or MCs fit in the market, which is a red flag, but also something editors can help with. Semi-hook. The description of the plot is good but needs more voice. Not sure how one concept plays out. #RevPit #10Queries
P7 ?? SF: I like the intro. Feels like I've seen this duo before. Is that good or bad? Good voice. Many space species for me to keep track of and Q specified something on my do not send list. I am not a good fit. ๐Ÿˆ #RevPit #10Queries
Q8 YA DF: So much voice! Great hook. I'm intrigued and feel like I could relate to this MC. Lost me a little bit in the wording. Could be tired eyes, could need a second look. A tad repetitive rather than selling. #RevPit #10Queries
P8 YA DF: Fantastic voice. Not sure about certain aspects for the current market. Is it daring or will it make it harder to sell to YA audience? I like it, but will the market take a chance? A bit repetitive in some parts. Strong contender. ๐Ÿˆ #RevPit #10Queries
Q9 YA F: I like the hook. Could use a little more voice. Is the WC too low for fantasy? Genre and age target are on point based on plot points mentioned and premise. Bio needs a trim. Keep it short and light. Less about why and more about who. #RevPit #10Queries
Q9 YA F: Opens with dialogue. Not connecting to MC enough right away. Opens how I want with MC living their life and continuing rather than backstory. Possible flashback disguised as not a flashback. Not enough connection to voice or MC. ๐Ÿˆ #RevPit #10Queries
I was bound to mess up eventually! This should say P9 YA F, not Q9.
You can follow @EditorRascon.
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