OK I'm starting a new thread. Brautigam is addressing protocols for employees, per a Young q. I think I used the word testing but I meant temperature and other symptom checks.
Young: Will furloughed employees be brought back as we reopen?
Brautigam: If services they provide are resumed.
So, for instance, lifeguards won't be needed if the pools don't reopen, but if they do.... they will be rehired.
Council is going to vote on changing their rules/procedures for virtual meetings. Short presentation here: https://www-static.bouldercolorado.gov/docs/1D_Council_Rules_Presentation-1-202004211537.pdf?_ga=2.171370272.1464232626.1587390732-316627711.1548369700
Carr addressing the attempts to disrupts Thursday's council chat. The issue, he explains, is that as a gov't, Boulder has to be careful about what speech and activities it allows and doesn't.
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