fuck it poll thread.
do you want children?
favorite season?
if you could be a pillow on a surface which would it be? (comment if other)
would you go to a farmers market at night?
given the choice between only these two, would you rather meditate or exercise?
do you like feeling tired at the end of the day?
do you think ghosts can see you too?
do you think we would have become self aware without the use of early mind-altering activities?

(i’m mainly referring to plants/fasts/sleep deprivation)
is science a religion?
when you shop for clothes, do you try them on?
would you rather eat 3 large meals a day, or 5 small meals?
if you were a tree, would you be deciduous or evergreen?
would you raise bees?
flora, fauna, or fungi?
would you rather stay in one place for the rest of your life, or move every few years?
do you like groupchats?
if you could live on something other than a rocky celestial body, would you rather live on the surface of a star, surface of a black hole, or in the gases of a star factory?
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