I think writing an Oscars type of script would be cool. But as I’ve aged I’ve realized the movies I love, bonded with friends over, quote and joke about, watch over and over — those aren’t movies people would ever say are “Oscar-worthy” and so I think my dreams have changed...
I want to write movies that linger; that are etched in people’s heart and memories and minds. I wrote my college essay about The Princess Diaries. I quoted Daddy Day Care at dinner. I just sang a song from Freaky Friday. THOSE kinds of movies — that bring joy but not “glory”...
Those are the kinds of movies I’m striving to write. Those are the kind of movies that mean the most to me. And if my legacy is nothing more than a song spelling Broccoli that someone quotes at dinner w/ her brother then that sounds pretty great to me.
And those movies... they’re just as important, maybe even more, than the award winners.
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