Okay fuck it we're doing this. Literally all I said was that #intersex people and trans people are not exactly the same, and told a transphobe to piss off, and @emmy_zje sees it fit to lump me in with the transphobes for telling my own story and saying I'm not her butterfly.
Seriously, this is callous as fuck, to actively use us only to publicly treat us like shit for standing up for the very little autonomy we want. Intersex people are not trolls or nonsequiturs, we have a long history of trying to make peace only to be shat upon.
Holy shit the entitlement. Intersex people and animals do not belong to you. I'm perfectly happy to help, but that help needs to be mutual and with respect, not bringing us up for an argument only to be blatantly disrespectful when we show up! #intersextwitter #transvisibilityday
Holy shit please stop it with the shit takes. All I wanted was an apology and you just keep digging in and treating #intersex people as inferior to #lgbtq people and not a part of the group that's constantly drowning because of shit like this.
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