I study burnout in high performers.

On my mind today: Benchmarks of any kind are always hard but are especially difficult during periods of isolation, when teammates are distant, cortisol is chronically high, and hormones are unbalanced. Our motivation is challenged.

In my practice today: I had a benchmark, and I underperformed. I scored slower, weaker, and heavier than a full two months BC (before corona) and 15% off my season trajectory leading into nationals, a competition now unlikely to happen at all this summer.

My teammates are distant, my cortisol is high, and <insert eight month long TMI sorry-not-sorry Tale of the Great IUD Nightmare> my hormones are unbalanced. I have been unmotivated. Today was difficult.

But! This is not a sad story.

This is the time to practice self-kindness. Take a step toward understanding that assessment and evaluation are different things. Trust that the path forward involves twists and, sometimes, slips backward. And know that your teammates are only distant in geography.


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