1.) Start rant. I recently found out that I was not asked to do a professional thing because the organizers of the thing knew I had kids at home and decided I did not have enough time to do the thing. Without even contacting me to discuss.
2.) Let's not do this folks. Let's not. Let's not assume that women who are home with kids can't do something simply because they have young kids at home. Yes- circumstances are not great. This is really hard to do with three small children.
3.) But, I get to decide if I can do something or not. Ask. We (moms) will tell you if we can't. Other people don't get to make decisions for the moms. Especially when it has consequences for careers.
4.) Ultimately, this will have an impact on institutional decision making, differential treatment of women, etc etc. Please don't do this. Rant over. @Momademia
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