I am so upset because yesterday I came up with this amazing twitter thread with my FIVE favorite chromatic scales in ALL MUSIC (that I've listened to and could think of at the time), but now I can't remember all of them so I'll just give you the Top 3:
Number THREE:

this sequence featuring a beautifully orchestrated, and intensifying chromatic scale in Ravel's "La Valse" (starting at 10:10, in the inner accompaniment)
Number TWO:

The looped chromatic scale in the backing track of @MissyElliott's "Lose Control", it's like a musical M.C. Escher staircase because it seemingly ascends forever even though you know is doesn't
Number ONE:

This whole 1553 (?) motet by Vicente Lusitano (the first known black composer to publish music); this piece is like an etude, and appears in his (unpublished) counterpoint treatise to demonstrate contrapuntal treatment of chromatic tetrachords
Here are some more honorable mention/I didn't think of these yesterday chromatic scales:

Bach's Musical Offering has a famous chromatic scale in it, I've always loved this scrolling score video of the piece, too
Ligeti's "Chaconne Chromatique" from the unaccompanied viola sonata is also super cool
There are a lot of examples of the chromatic lament bass, I am particularly fond of Gloria Coates' haunting quotation of Purcell's famous aria "When I Am Laid In Earth" in the her Symphony No. 4 'Chiaroscuro' (you really gotta listen to the whole movement)

The voice leading in the verses of Megadeth's "This Way My Life" (1992) is very chromatic - I've always liked this song, Megadeth can be really good sometimes
And, Pantera's "A New Level" (1992) is the most chromatic scale-laden metal riff I could think of, a great song that was a real favorite for me and my twin in high school
Finally, I think Meshuggah's 2005 album "Catch33" deserves discussion in this thread because there is a persistent melodic motive in the album that uses an 012 trichord, and what is a chromatic scale if not four 012 trichords in a row?
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