I keep hearing cable talkers, when talking about people wanting their city/state reopened, say, "Look, I get it - we all want to get back to some form of our normal lives. We want sports, and school, and outdoor activities. BUT..." and then they tell us why anyone who...
...feels strongly about it is being selfish. The projection here is obvious, and misplaced. This is an accurate representation of the inner thinking of people drawing a pay check. The rest of the country - most of it - wants to end the shutdown for one reason: So they can get...
...back to work. That's it. Their financial future and ability to take care of their families in the most basic of ways depends on reopening. It's not about wanting to go to a baseball game, or a restaurant, or a trip to the beach. It's about imminent financial ruin. Assuming...
...that people with no jobs, no income - many who've closed and may be losing their businesses - are protesting for the right to go to the beach or out for a steak dinner is cruel in its condescension.
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